Community Highlights - Your Empowered Spirit with Terri Ann Heiman EP: 074

podcast Feb 16, 2022

Today on The Inside Story Podcast, I’m featuring another LIGHTbeamer as part of our Community Highlights -- a series focusing on members of our Community who are working on sharing their story to shine a light for others.

Terri Ann Heiman landed in the LIGHTbeamers world more than a year ago, and since that time, I’ve seen her embrace storytelling as a way to reach the audience she serves: those who want to dig deep into their soul, find their spirit, and transform their life.

Join me and Terri, as she and I talk about:

  • Her backstory and what happened as a result of her not paying attention to what was going on around her
  • The day she heard the words, “You’re going to be okay,” and her vow to follow that voice
  • The awakening period in her life and her journey to healing
  • How storytelling has helped her reach more people, allowing them to relate to her better as she does her work of being an intuitive healer and spiritual mentor
  • What it means to have an...
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Accelerator Spotlight: Becky Burroughs

I always like to say doing story work is like peeling an onion. 

As you go, you remove each layer, revealing more stories you have to tell. 

This is certainly the case with Becky Burroughs. When I first met Becky, she didn't think she had a story to tell. Like so many of the women I meet, she thought her story was worthless -- not important to tell. But as we began our work together, Becky began peeling back the layers of her onion. 

Now, Becky is one of the 14 authors who've come together to write their story in our community collaborative book, Elevate Your Voice.

And before the book has even officially published, Becky has already begun working with a publisher to write and publish her first solo book this year. 

Becky is on the move! Her work as a leadership coach for women in ministry has seemingly been set ablaze with passion as a result of Becky doing her own story work! 

Nowadays, you can find her live-streaming, creating Instagram reels,...

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Story “Composting” EP: 073

podcast Feb 09, 2022

Last week, I talked about creating and building your story bank.

Today, we’re going to look into story “composting” and yes, this is something akin to what we do when we want to use or recycle organic matter to enrich and improve the soil and make it fertile.

When it comes to stories, composting can also happen, but what exactly does this entail? What do we do in order to let our stories bloom over time?

Join me in today’s episode of The Inside Story Podcast as I share with you:


  • How story composting works, and why having a story bank is an important part of it
  • Why your storytelling journey can take time to progress – and it isn’t because you’re story’s not good enough!
  • The 4 key things you need to have to make your own story composting a success


Storytelling involves trusting the process and knowing that one of these days, you will share your story in a way that comes naturally and with so much depth. And when that...

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Creating a Story Bank EP: 072

podcast Feb 02, 2022

If you’ve ever wondered how and where content creators get their ideas for what they post on social media, you’re in for a sweet and practical treat!

Today on The Inside Story Podcast, I’m sharing with you how I do it – create story-based content on repeat without ever running out of ideas! 

If you implement my simple exercise, you’ll find stories everywhere, even right under your nose! 

If you’re ready to listen, grab your headphones and join me as I share:

  • Why you need to have a story bank – and it’s not just for content creation!
  • Some tips on how to create your own story bank, including my favorite tool or app for storing all my ideas
  • A short inside story about a social media post I’m sharing soon
  • Two quick and simple exercises you can do right now to start creating your story bank
  • An invitation you don’t want to miss!

I often say, story is all around you. Big stories, tiny ones – they’re all...

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AUTHOR SPOTLIGHT: Elevating Women in Ministry with Becky Burroughs EP: 071

podcast Jan 26, 2022

Today’s episode of The Inside Story Podcast is the fourth in a series I’m doing, with the women authors of Elevate Your Voice, the LIGHTbeamers collaborative book project. 

Becky Burroughs is a leadership coach and education junkie whose focus is on faith-based principles. Her goal is to empower women to live their lives and lead with courage, credibility, and confidence, and to help them discover what makes them unique and embrace that quality in them.

Becky is such an inspiration to talk to, so I invite you to listen in as we discuss:

  • The circumstances surrounding her decision to work with women in ministry and why she got into leadership coaching
  • Why she says women are still part of the problem when it comes to equality in the workplace and in society in general
  • The identity crisis she went through after suffering from loss – and what she discovered about herself
  • The amazing journey she feels lucky to have gone on by joining our Author Program for the...
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Accelerator Spotlight: Trainer Dane Boyle

There are some people you cross in life who, no-matter-what, always make you feel better after being around them. This is Trainer Dane Boyle. 

Dane's magic touch is making people feel like anything is possible; whatever they are dreaming of is achievable. 

This health & wellness expert and life coach is all about positive empowerment. His key phrase is "go be amaZing!" 

Ever since Dane made his way into the LIGHTbeamers Community, and our Visibility Accelerator, we've watched him reach more and more people with his positive energy, candid stories, and dedication to helping others live their best lives. 


APRIL: Let's start with a little introduction. Tell everyone a bit more about you & share a piece of your journey.

TRAINER DANE: Stop for a minute…
I want to share something with you.

Where I am today is not where I was yesterday.

Life is a 4-letter word. Yes it is. I have...

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Nowhere to Go with George Kalantzis EP: 070

podcast Jan 19, 2022

How do you use the pain of your past to unlock the highest and truest potential of your future?

By sharing your story.

George Kalantzis is a Life Coach and author of the Amazon best-seller, Nowhere to Go. In this powerful book about navigating life’s toughest transitions, George helps the reader let go of the past and move into the future with strength, dignity, and optimism. But today on The Inside Story Podcast, he first shares with us how he had to take a deeper look at his own past and accept it, in order to fully live in the present.

Join me and George as we talk about:

  • His backstory and the different transitions he went through in life, that eventually led him to his lowest point
  • What actions and steps he took to start making positive changes
  • His poetry journey that started with a journal and voice memos about what was happening to him
  • What it means to be a real man in the world today, and what he does to keep his thoughts, words, and actions aligned to who he really...
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Being, Doing, Becoming EP: 069

podcast Jan 12, 2022

If you’re ready to step into your best self and live your best life this 2022, then this episode is for YOU.

Yes, it’s easy to make goals and envision the kind of person we need to become to achieve them. But more often than not, we find ourselves not knowing where to begin, or getting lost along the way, and eventually just giving up on our goals and visions!

Today, I’m here to tell you that there IS a way -- in fact, a process , that will help you get to where you want to be.

Join me today as I share with you:

  •    The process of Being, Doing, and Becoming
  •    What questions you need to ask yourself as you work your way towards your goal
  •    Why it’s important to stay on track as you go on your journey -- and what to do when you find yourself going off-course

I'd love for you to give this a try. And I definitely would love to know how this process now changes the way you think, and act.

Share your thoughts with me over at...

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AUTHOR SPOTLIGHT: Ready to Bloom with Julia Barton EP: 068

podcast Jan 05, 2022

I always say: when you share your story, you shine a light.

And that is exactly what our next featured author from the LIGHTbeamers Author Program aims to do.

Julia Barton is a postpartum doula and Reiki master at Olive & Bloom. She’s new to the LIGHTbeamers Community, and came by way of the Author Program where she and I, plus 13 other women, are on a journey to discover our stories and share them with the world. And Julia’s story -- while uniquely her own -- will resonate with other women and I believe, will serve as a guiding light for so many.

Listen in on my conversation with Julia, as she and I talk about:

  • The inside story of why she said yes the Author Program
  • Her reason for wanting to become a postpartum doula AND at the same time, tell her story on postpartum depression
  • The biggest lesson she wants to share with other women who are heading into pregnancy, going through it, or have already gone through childbirth
  • Why she went the non-traditional route in...
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Healing Trauma Through Stories with Kelsey “O’tion” Eigler EP: 067

podcast Dec 29, 2021

Kelsey Eigler -- who prefers to be called O’tion -- is the co-founder of The Empowered Healers Academy. It’s their mission to heal the healers, empower the humans, and simplify the journey to happiness.

Showing her community how to break free from societal chains, pressures and limitations is one of her main driving forces, proving first hand that you can bend reality and create the life you WANT - regardless of external noise, personal history or archaic paradigms. 

Join me and Kelsey -- or O’tion -- today, as she and I talk about:

  • What the Empowered Healers Academy is and the kind of work they do
  • The Subconscious Imprinting Technique and what it does to physically heal you
  • How she made sense of a traumatic experience in her life, that led to her healing and creating a new reality for herself
  • What she’s looking forward to in 2022, both in business and in her personal life
  • The story behind her preferred name, O’tion

Kelsey shows us how important...

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