Shapeshifting and the Toll It Takes EP: 102

podcast Aug 31, 2022

When you hear the word shapeshifting, what comes to mind? Is it the mythical definition of being able to change into a different shape or form at will? Or can the term be applied to something more realistic – and a little closer to home?

Today on The Inside Story Podcast, we’re talking about becoming different people in the various relationships we are in, or shape-shifting to become the person others expect us to be. It’s not an uncommon phenomenon, but something we should all be aware of and avoid happening.

Tune in to this episode as I share with you:

  •  Why it’s important to acknowledge that we might be in fact, shapeshifting in our relationships
  • My own experiences of taking the easy route and allowing myself to conform to what society expects of me
  • The different ways you could be shapeshifting – without you knowing it!
  • What we should be doing instead, for us to live lighter and shine bright for others

Here’s my challenge for you today:...

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Frank Women with Dayna Lapkovsky EP: 101

podcast Aug 24, 2022

I've long believed that when women come together and share their stories, magic is bound to happen. And over in Montreal, Canada, one woman has created a lasting space for women where they can have meaningful and strategic interactions.

Dayna is a seasoned communications professional and branding consultant with a certification in Women’s Leadership from the Yale School of Management. Her entrepreneurial spirit and passion for developing female talent bring an inspiring, innovative approach to problem solving and creative thinking.

Join me and Dayna as we discuss:

  • What frank is and the backstory of how it all started
  • Her journalism background and how it ties to women’s leadership – and how curiosity plays a role in both
  • Her vision of having a safe space where women can gather and talk, motivate and encourage each other
  • The common threads that bind women from different backgrounds and locations together
  • Being a people connector and the gratifying feeling of...
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"Women's Voices Amplified" - SoundAdvice.FM with Phyllis Nichols EP: 100

podcast Aug 17, 2022

It’s our 100th episode and what better way to celebrate this milestone than to have the person who helped me start my podcast two years ago on the show!!

Phyllis Nichols is the founder of SoundAdvice Strategies, a podcast production company. She’s best known for helping clients create unique audio experiences for their listeners. A salesperson at heart, she found her way to podcasts on a dare, and she’s more than happy that her previous sales-consulting work turned into amplifying and selling the messages of her clients.

Tune in today as Phyllis and I talk about:

  • How podcasting has changed over the years, especially for women in the industry
  • How Phyllis and her team can help you if you want to get into podcasting
  • What SoundAdvice.FM is and Phyllis’ vision of amplifying women’s voices
  • Creating an impact with your podcast and how SoundAdvice.FM can support you by helping you reach more people

I am so grateful to Phyllis for being there for me when I...

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Becoming a Front Row CEO with Jen Lehner EP: 099

podcast Aug 10, 2022

There was a time in my business where I couldn’t keep up with everything that was happening. I felt overwhelmed and frustrated, and I knew I had to do something if I wanted to change the way things were going.

Enter Jen Lehner and her Front Row CEO program. When she shared her method with me, I listened and took action, and I can honestly say that that decision really changed everything for me.

So today on The Inside Story Podcast, I’m bringing you Jen Lehner, and I’m inviting you to listen in as we talk about growing your business by hiring, and this includes:

  • How the Front Row CEO program is THE blueprint for hiring your team
  • The biggest pain points business owners have when they think of outsourcing or getting help for their business
  • Having the right mindset and understanding that you’re investing in your business
  • The inside story of why Jen hired her first VA, and what happened immediately after
  • Why finding the right person -- using the right system!!...
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Whole Woman, Whole Leader with Dr. Leslie A. Saulsberry EP: 098

podcast Aug 03, 2022

We’re gearing up for the 4th Annual Storytelling Symposium!! Today on the show, I’m featuring one of the women on our speaker panel and giving you a sneak peek of what you can expect at the event.

Dr. Leslie Saulsberry is a keynote speaker, author, and executive coach who helps Visionary Women create, build, and grow their companies, careers, and cultivate expansive lives. She’s going to be taking the stage at this year’s Storytelling Symposium, and I’m truly excited for more women to hear her speak and be inspired by her story.

Tune in today as she and I talk about:

  • Her experience as a Peace Corps volunteer and how this made an impact on the work she does today
  • The different work environments she went through and how one changed the way she looked at leadership
  • How a whole woman creates a whole leader, and shapes her own work culture
  • The pivotal moments in her life that transformed her – including one that left her and her son homeless
  • Her...
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The Key to Winning the Internet EP: 097

podcast Jul 27, 2022

With so many social media platforms today and an insane number of people trying to get everyone’s attention, how do you actually cut through the noise and get noticed?

In today’s episode, I share my thoughts on how you can win the internet. You have to have a certain mindset, understanding, and a regular, intentional practice that’s repeatedly overlooked, but should be at the top of your strategy if you want to stand out.

Listen in as I discuss:

  • Why it doesn’t take millions of followers to win the internet and build your business
  • What to do when nobody reacts or comments on your social media posts – and why giving up is not the answer
  • Understanding the two-way street that is the internet – and what you should start doing today
  • Practical tips on how you should be using your time on the internet
  • Why storytelling is a key factor in all of this (surprise!!)

We often overthink our social media strategies and forget the basics. Realizing that...

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Closing the Confidence Gap for Women with Jenny Ward EP: 096

podcast Jul 20, 2022

In the work that I do, I help women dig out their story and amplify their visibility as they share it. But far too often, I find that women stay small and limit the stories they share because they’re afraid of being judged as having too much to say.

As a recruiter matching people and jobs, Jenny Ward found the same to be true. And wanting to do more for women seeking to grow professionally, she intentionally became a career coach to help “purpose-driven women finally get the career they want and the money they deserve”.

Jenny shared so many meaningful insights, and I invite you to join us as we talk about:

  • Shifting from being a corporate recruiter to becoming a career and transition coach helping women tell their professional stories
  • Battling imposter syndrome as she worked to advocate for her own coaching practice, and breaking free from her own limiting beliefs
  • Confidence gap and how women suffer not from lack of confidence, but because they think they need to...
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Activating Relationships with David Watson EP: 095

podcast Jul 13, 2022

When we have strong relationships, we can go through life's joys with so much more meaning and navigate challenges with hopefully more ease. So how do we activate relationships and forge strong bonds?

Our guest on today’s show is one of my clients. David Watson is part of the ThinqShift team – a group of people whose goal is to “craft fabulous leaders to succeed and reinvent the world”. He is known in the group as the Relationship Activator and Optimist, a role he takes seriously and tries to embody even outside of work.

I invite you to listen in as David and I talk about:

  • His background and his shift to a completely different kind of work while still delivering leadership services
  • How he got the title “Relationship Activator” and what it means to be one – plus how it all ties to being part of a small family but having a large group of friends
  • His tips for becoming better at building and deepening relationships, and the benefits of...
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Accelerator Spotlight: Diann Wingert

One of my favorite things to do is to celebrate other women who are making big waves in the world... and then my second favorite thing to do is to connect them with other people who NEED TO KNOW these women! 

Hence, this monthly blog post and shout-out sharing a woman in my community you need to know! 

Diann Wingert and I have been circling the online and podcasting world for a hot minute -- and even before I knew her personally, I liked her. I admired her presence. Then, when we finally connected to have a 'get to know you' chat on zoom, I fell madly in love with her vibe -- she is someone who says what she thinks, and commands your attention when she speaks. Go listen to one of her Driven Woman podcast episodes and you'll see what I mean. 

So it's with great pleasure to have Diann in our VIP Community and to showcase her here this month for our Accelerator Spotlight. Keep reading, and I double-dog-dare you to connect with her and follow her as fast as you can. This...

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Marriage & Entrepreneurship with Kyle Pertuis EP: 094

podcast Jul 06, 2022

Being an entrepreneur is not easy. But what about being an entrepreneur who’s also married to one – does it make things extra challenging?

Today’s episode is extra special because I’m joined by my husband, Kyle Pertuis. We’re talking all things marriage and entrepreneurship, and what happens behind the scenes as we make both aspects of our lives not only work, but thrive.

Join me and Kyle as we share with you:

  • Kyle’s entrepreneurial journey and how his coaching business came about
  • How COVID changed our dynamic at home and in our businesses, and what I think helped us most when we found ourselves working side by side at home!
  • The best – as well as the hardest -- parts of being entrepreneurs and the greatest motivator & driver for us to continue doing what we do
  • Family life and how we try and exhibit our core values at home
  • Kyle’s advice for other entrepreneurs – it’s an acronym, and you know how much I love those!!
  • ...
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