Ep202 – Thoughtful Planning Podcast Swap (Summer Swap Series)

podcast Jul 24, 2024

This is the 4th and last installment in our podcast summer swap series, and I hope you join me today as I bring you my episode on the Thoughtful Planning Podcast, hosted by Honey and Santiago Bueno.

In this episode of Thoughtful Planning, I share recent challenges I encountered in my personal life, including my cousin's emergency brain surgery and my son's surprise surgery, and reflect on how adversity has activated deeper action and thoughtful planning on my part.

Listen in as I talk about:

  • The importance of preparedness
  • How facing adversities reinforce the value of being proactive in planning to mitigate the impact of unexpected challenges
  • Involving the family – yes, including our children – in discussions about financial and medical responsibilities prepares them for adulthood and unforeseen circumstances
  • Gaps in the educational system and the need for practical education on financial and medical planning to better prepare young adults
  • Adapting plans over time
  • Being...
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Ep201 – The Ambitious Chick Podcast Swap (Summer Swap Series)

podcast Jul 17, 2024

Welcome to the third installment of our Podcast Summer Swap series!! Today, I’m bringing you my episode on Tamara Wamsley’s show, The Ambitious Chick Podcast.

In this episode, I discuss my journey from being a journalist to a storytelling coach, and share the transformative power of storytelling for women. I also share my initial struggles with clarity and the growth of my business, highlighting the importance of taking imperfect action and understanding one’s audience to effectively communicate and inspire others.

I invite you to listen in as Tamara and I talk about:

  • How owning and sharing one's story can lead to significant personal and professional growth
  • Helping women elevate their voices and make a bigger impact
  • The importance of taking action even without complete clarity
  • Understanding and speaking directly to your audience, ensuring your story resonates and serves their needs and interests
  • The value of creating a community where women feel comfortable...
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Ep200 - Celebrating 200 Episodes with our Favorite Friends!

podcast Jul 10, 2024

Join us for a special celebration as we mark the 200th episode of The Inside Story Podcast!

Reflecting on three and a half years of weekly episodes, I share the power of storytelling and the importance of community. 

And today, several members of the Lightbeamers community join me to share their transformative journeys through storytelling. These guests highlight how the podcast and community support have boosted their confidence and ability to share their stories. Their heartfelt testimonies underscore the profound impact of storytelling on personal and professional growth.

Join me today for this one of a kind episode as we share:

  • The journey and impact of The Inside Story podcast plus the Lightbeamers Community
  • The enduring importance of storytelling as a way to connect, inspire, and transform
  • Heartfelt testimonials from Lightbeamers and how the podcast and the community have boosted their confidence and ability to share their stories
  • Transformative journeys of...
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Ep199 - Permission to Kick Ass Podcast Swap (Summer Swap Series)

podcast Jul 03, 2024

It’s the second episode in our Podcast Summer Swap series!! And today, I’m featuring my episode on Angie Colee’s podcast, Permission to Kick Ass.

On Angie’s show, I shared my journey and passion for storytelling, highlighting its transformative power in both our personal and professional lives. We talked about how I shifted from my career in journalism to founding LIGHTbeamers, and how my faith has been a significant influence in my mission to shine a positive light through storytelling.

I invite you to tune in as Angie and I discuss:

  • My backstory and the final straw that made me walk away from my journalism career for good
  • How a Bible verse inspired me to help others shine their light through storytelling
  • The importance of recognizing and overcoming negative stories imposed by others to reclaim and empower one's own story
  • Being a supportive cheerleader for my clients and encouraging them to pursue their dreams
  • My motivation for starting LIGHTbeamers and...
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Ep198 - Pleasure & Profits Podcast Swap (Summer Swap Series)

podcast Jun 26, 2024

I'm so excited to kick off a new series here on The Inside Story Podcast – the Podcast Summer Swaps!

In this series, I’ll be featuring podcasts of LIGHTbeamers I’ve guested on, and today, I’m sharing with you my episode on the Pleasure & Profits Podcast hosted by my good friend, Rachel Anzalone.

On Rachel's show, we talked about the things that often hold women back from stepping into the spotlight, and the magic that happens when you combine storytelling with building a strong community. We also explored how to grow your business in a way that feels authentically aligned with you, and how to identify that "one thing" that can truly propel you forward.

Listen in as we discuss:

  • What holds many women back from stepping into the spotlight
  • The power of storytelling & community in creating impact
  • How to grow your business in a way that feels authentic & aligned to you
  • How she finally got clear on the one thing that would allow her grow her business...
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25 Years of Marriage & Entrepreneurship with Kyle and April Pertuis EP: 197

podcast Jun 19, 2024

Marriage and launching a business are two enormous commitments that demand tons of effort, honest communication, and grit. Balancing a thriving business with a strong marriage can be tricky, but incredibly rewarding.  For couples venturing into entrepreneurship together, it's a unique adventure that blends work and life, amplifying both successes and challenges. The key? Deep understanding, clear boundaries, and a shared vision.

In this episode, my husband, Kyle Pertuis, joins the discussion on balancing marriage and entrepreneurship. We share our journey with you – plus insights on maintaining harmony, leveraging each other's strengths, and embracing challenges as opportunities for growth.

Listen in as Kyle and I discuss: 

  • The importance of mindset over outcomes
  • Embracing a trial-and-error in entrepreneurship and viewing failures as opportunities to try new strategies
  • How combining strengths and expertise from both partners can enhance business ventures and...
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How to Develop Your Big Idea into Thought Leadership to Grow Your Business with Ghostwriter Emily Crookston EP: 196

podcast Jun 12, 2024

Have you ever felt like your experiences could be valuable to others, but haven't known how to share them? Thought leadership is a powerful way to leverage your unique story (often underestimated "gold nuggets") to connect with a wider audience and establish credibility.

In this episode of The Inside Story Podcast, we dive into the topic with Emily Crookston, a writer and consultant who helps aspiring thought leaders unlock their potential. We'll explore how to find your niche, craft a compelling story, and turn your ideas into a book that makes a difference.

Listen in as Emily and I discuss:

  • Uncovering your "gold nuggets and identifying the unique aspects of your background and experience that resonate with your target audience
  • The power of storytelling and how sharing your personal story can connect with your audience on a deeper level and establish your credibility as a thought leader
  • Building your thought leadership journey including practical steps you can take to develop...
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You Can't AI Your Way Through Storytelling EP: 195

podcast Jun 05, 2024

Artificial intelligence is rapidly changing our world, acting as a powerful tool across all aspects of life. From assisting with creative tasks like story writing to streamlining  business processes, AI supports human capabilities in many ways. However, it isn’t a replacement for human intelligence. AI excels at handling data and repetitive tasks, but it lacks the creativity, empathy, and critical thinking that make humans irreplaceable. 

In today's episode of the podcast, let’s get into the world of storytelling and explore the growing influence of AI. Are you curious if AI can write your next captivating story? I break down this myth, highlighting how AI can be a helpful companion in the storytelling process, but ultimately, the power to share your unique voice and experiences lies with you.

Join me today as I talk about:

  • How AI can be a brainstorming buddy for storytellers – suggesting ideas, plots, and structure
  • Why AI can’t replace YOU
  • ...
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From Full-Time to 7 Figures: How Holly Haynes Crushed the Rush EP: 194

podcast May 29, 2024

In today's digital world, it's easy to get caught up in follower counts and the number of likes your posts get. But for many businesses, the key to true growth lies in building a strong community. Genuine connections with people who are interested in what you offer create a network of loyal supporters who will not only buy from you but also spread the word about your business. This sense of community creates a powerful foundation for long-term success.

Today’s podcast guest is Holly Haynes, business strategy coach, podcaster, and founder of the Crush the Rush brand.  Holly isn't just about helping women build successful businesses; she's passionate about creating a supportive community. Join us as we chat with Holly about her powerful strategies and the power of community in achieving  your entrepreneurial dreams!

Listen in as Holly and I discuss:

  • How she built her seven-figure business and the role of community in her success
  • Why social media wasn't the most...
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100% Guilt Free Self-Care with Tami Hackbarth EP: 193

podcast May 22, 2024

Self-care is such a common term nowadays, but what is it really and how does the practice of self-care benefit us?

Simply defined, self-care is the practice of taking deliberate actions to maintain and improve one's physical, emotional, and mental well-being. Its importance lies in how it helps individuals manage stress, enhance their overall health, and maintain a balanced life. By prioritizing self-care, people can prevent burnout, boost their resilience, and cultivate a more positive outlook.

Today on our podcast, we’re talking to Tami Hackbarth, author of the book The Essential Guide to 100% Guilt-Free Self-Care. Like most of us, she has experienced feeling out of balance, overworked, and overwhelmed by life's demands, but has found a way to bring balance and an overall sense of calm in her life. She shares her insights and practical tips on how to feel good every day and live a life free from the chaos and guilt that many of us experience.

Listen in as Tami and I talk...

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