Listen To My Latest Podcast Episode:

Ep202 – Thoughtful Planning Podcast Swap (Summer Swap Series)

Listen To My Latest Podcast Episode: Ep202 – Thoughtful Planning Podcast Swap (Summer Swap Series)

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How to Effectively Share Your Story ... Generate more Buzz ...
Create Connection ... and Gain Clients.

The Inside Story Podcast takes you behind the curtain of the biggest success stories of entrepreneurs, thought leaders, and change makers.... the men & women who have walked through fire and come out on the other side brighter. We are discussing the power of Story, and showing you how to harness the power of your own journey, too! 

Plus, April Adams Pertuis takes you on a Storytelling journey through her own stories! As a career-long journalist and storyteller, April understands the story that is hiding inside of you. You’ll discover unique storytelling tips and mechanics that will empower you to tell you story in a whole new way.

This is the Podcast that tells the Inside Story of people & brands who are sharing their story in important and powerful ways. They aren’t mechanical or scripted. They are unabashedly authentic and real. And they are generating massive success & fulfillment as a result!

Ultimately, this all points back to being a “Lightbeamer”.

The goal of the Inside Story is to inspire you to think about your own story, and learn to share it so it can shine a light for others.

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“The Inside Story Podcast with April Adams Pertuis”
— and be inspired by the stories we bring to you every week. Text the words INSIDE STORY to 833-228-9446 to get notified every time a new episode drops.

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This is the 4th and last installment in our podcast summer swap series, and I hope you join me today as I bring you my episode on the Thoughtful Planning Podcast, hosted by Honey and Santiago Bueno.

In this episode of Thoughtful Planning, I share recent challenges I encountered in my personal life, including my cousin's emergency brain surgery and my son's surprise surgery, and reflect on how adversity has activated deeper action and thoughtful planning on my part.

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Welcome to the third installment of our Podcast Summer Swap series!! Today, I’m bringing you my episode on Tamara Wamsley’s show, The Ambitious Chick Podcast.

In this episode, I discuss my journey from being a journalist to a storytelling coach, and share the transformative power of storytelling for women. I also share my initial struggles with clarity and the growth of my business, highlighting the importance of taking imperfect action and understanding one’s audience to effectively communicate and inspire others.

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Join us for a special celebration as we mark the 200th episode of The Inside Story Podcast!

Reflecting on three and a half years of weekly episodes, I share the power of storytelling and the importance of community.

And today, several members of the Lightbeamers community join me to share their transformative journeys through storytelling. These guests highlight how the podcast and community support have boosted their confidence and ability to share their stories. Their heartfelt testimonies underscore the profound impact of storytelling on personal and professional growth.

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It’s the second episode in our Podcast Summer Swap series!! And today, I’m featuring my episode on Angie Colee’s podcast, Permission to Kick Ass. 

On Angie’s show, I shared my journey and passion for storytelling, highlighting its transformative power in both our personal and professional lives. We talked about how I shifted from my career in journalism to founding LIGHTbeamers, and how my faith has been a significant influence in my mission to shine a positive light through storytelling.

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I'm so excited to kick off a new series here on The Inside Story Podcast – the Podcast Summer Swaps!

In this series, I’ll be featuring podcasts of LIGHTbeamers I’ve guested on, and today, I’m sharing with you my episode on the Pleasure & Profits Podcast hosted by my good friend, Rachel Anzalone.

On Rachel's show, we talked about the things that often hold women back from stepping into the spotlight, and the magic that happens when you combine storytelling with building a strong community.

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Marriage and launching a business are two enormous commitments that demand tons of effort, honest communication, and grit. Balancing a thriving business with a strong marriage can be tricky, but incredibly rewarding.  For couples venturing into entrepreneurship together, it's a unique adventure that blends work and life, amplifying both successes and challenges. The key? Deep understanding, clear boundaries, and a shared vision

In this episode, my husband, Kyle Pertuis, joins the discussion on balancing marriage and entrepreneurship. We share our journey with you – plus insights on maintaining harmony, leveraging each other's strengths, and embracing challenges as opportunities for growth.

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Have you ever felt like your experiences could be valuable to others, but haven't known how to share them? Thought leadership is a powerful way to leverage your unique story (often underestimated "gold nuggets") to connect with a wider audience and establish credibility.

In this episode of The Inside Story Podcast, we dive into the topic with Emily Crookston, a writer and consultant who helps aspiring thought leaders unlock their potential. We'll explore how to find your niche, craft a compelling story, and turn your ideas into a book that makes a difference.

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Artificial intelligence is rapidly changing our world, acting as a powerful tool across all aspects of life. From assisting with creative tasks like story writing to streamlining  business processes, AI supports human capabilities in many ways. However, it isn’t a replacement for human intelligence. AI excels at handling data and repetitive tasks, but it lacks the creativity, empathy, and critical thinking that make humans irreplaceable.

In today's episode of the podcast, let’s get into the world of storytelling and explore the growing influence of AI. Are you curious if AI can write your next captivating story?

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It's easy to get caught up in follower counts and the number of likes your posts get. But for many businesses, the key to true growth lies in building a strong community. Genuine connections with people who are interested in what you offer create a network of loyal supporters who will not only buy from you but also spread the word about your business. This sense of community creates a powerful foundation for long-term success.

Today’s guest is Holly Haynes, business coach, podcaster, and founder of the Crush the Rush brand. She's not just about helping women build successful businesses; she's passionate about creating a supportive community.

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Self-care is such a common term nowadays, but what is it really and how does the practice of self-care benefit us?

Simply defined, self-care is the practice of taking deliberate actions to maintain and improve one's physical, emotional, and mental well-being. Its importance lies in how it helps individuals manage stress, enhance their overall health, and maintain a balanced life. By prioritizing self-care, people can prevent burnout, boost their resilience, and cultivate a more positive outlook.

Today on our podcast, we’re talking to Tami Hackbarth, author of the book The Essential Guide to 100% Guilt-Free Self-Care.

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Networking brings different feelings for many people, ranging from very important to quite intimidating. It's a key for growing one’s career and business, but the thought of making connections in formal settings can be stressful. For some, networking is a tiresome task filled with self-promotion, but others see it as a chance to find common interests and make helpful connections. The main challenge is managing these interactions well to form true and beneficial relationships.

Melissa Camilleri is the co-founder of The Prosper Network. Here, she helps create a supportive community where women in business can build meaningful connections and grow together.

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A CEO in any business plays an important role in guiding a company's growth. They not only plan for the future but also lead the company through challenges as it grows. An effective leader not only strategically plans for the future but also leads decisively, motivating teams toward common goals. As the company grows, the CEO's priorities evolve to include building a strong organization, fostering a positive company culture, and making quick decisions.

Brigham Dallas is the founder of Hello Sugar, a rapidly growing franchise in the beauty industry. With his strategic foresight and innovative approach, he has grown Hello Sugar from a single location into a successful national franchise. 

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Imagine a life where you no longer compromise on your dreams. Most people think that this is something that’s out of their reach, not realizing that it’s actually possible. What it takes is taking your natural talents and adding some strategic steps to create an energy that moves you towards the life you’re meant to live.

Tamara Wamsley is a Gallup-certified Strengths Coach who specializes in helping women leverage their unique strengths and talents to uncover and fulfill their true purpose. With her expert insights into strategy and personal development, she guides individuals towards transformative change and empowerment.

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The magic of collaboration lies in its ability to bring together different minds and talents to create a sum greater than its parts. But collaboration not only fosters creativity and achieves goals; it can also transform lives.

Two years ago, I teamed up with publisher Lanette Pottle and a wonderful community of women to write three books: Elevate Your Voice, Step Into Your Brave, and Shine Your Light. This book project not only provided a platform for these women to share their stories but also endeavored to achieve another goal, and that is to support other women around the world reach their dreams.

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Taking time to pause and breathe is not just beneficial—it's essential, especially in today’s fast-paced world. People often find themselves juggling multiple tasks, facing uncertain outcomes, and dealing with so much that stress and anxiety are sure to follow.

For anyone feeling overwhelmed by the hustle of daily life, taking a moment to stop and just breathe can serve as a powerful tool for maintaining mental and emotional health. Whether it's a few deep breaths between meetings, a brief meditation session in the morning, or a mindful walk during lunch, these pauses can impact one’s well-being: improving focus and productivity, and being able to handle the pressures of life with grace.

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In today's world, stories are everywhere, making storytelling more important than ever. It connects us, making us feel understood and closer to one another.

However, there's an important question that often goes with storytelling: How often do you share or should you share your story? Are our stories worth being told over and over again?

But these questions aren’t just about how frequently we tell our stories, but about the powerful impact sharing them can have.

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Getting noticed in today's digital world can be tough for business owners and entrepreneurs. So many platforms fight for our attention and make it hard to stand out. But there's a powerful tool that's often missed: media exposure. Even though it can greatly increase visibility and build trust, many people avoid trying to get media coverage. It's important to understand why media is not used as much and how clearing up this confusion can lead to great chances for getting noticed & expanding your business.

Enter Beth Nydick, today's podcast guest and a pro in the world of public relations and media. Beth breaks down the barriers to media exposure, sharing insider tips on how to grab people’s attention and make the most of every media opportunity.

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Most of the time, we think of adversity as an unwelcome guest that knocks on our door at some point in our lives, often more than once. Yet, within the heart of adversity lie the seeds of growth, resilience, and transformation.

Today on the show, we are joined by my good friend, Amy Sutter. Amy's journey is a testament to the transformative power of facing challenges head-on and harnessing them as stepping stones towards growth. Her story is about tirelessly pursuing personal and professional fulfillment, which is driven by a passion for helping others become the strongest versions of themselves. Amy's thoughts on turning adversity into an ally offer lessons on resilience and perseverance.

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When the loudest voices often seem to command the most attention, getting visible in business poses a challenge for the quieter ones among us. If you're someone who cringes at the thought of the spotlight, yet wishes to share your expertise and genuinely help people, doing visibility work can feel like an impossible task. How do you make your mark without compromising your comfort?

This question is at the heart of our latest podcast episode, where we explore the art of "Quiet Influence." Meant for those of us who thrive in the shadows rather than the limelight, this episode with content strategist and coach Jen Liddy is a guide on how to use your strengths and quietly pave a way to visibility in your business.

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Life is full of tough choices. We often rely on facts and logic to make these decisions. But we sometimes forget about our gut feeling. This inner sense, or intuition, can offer deep insights beyond regular thinking. Trusting our intuition doesn't mean ignoring logic. It's about understanding that not all answers come from facts or deep thinking. Sometimes, it's the quiet voice inside us that shows us the way.

Today’s guest Ciara Rubin's story is one that speaks of the power of embracing one's intuition amidst the hustle of everyday life. Once too preoccupied with family, fitness, and finances to heed her inner voice, Ciara embarked on a journey of self-discovery that led her to trust her intuition with unwavering confidence.

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Have you ever dreamed of writing your own book? Of sharing your stories and insights through the written word for the world to read, yet felt daunted at the mere thought of taking on such a project? Well, what if I told you that the path to becoming an author, while not without challenges, is also possible with guidance and support? That your dream of sharing your story, your knowledge, and your vision through a book is not just a distant fantasy, but a tangible goal within your reach.

In today's episode, I’m giving you a candid look behind the scenes of my own writing process, with insights and advice for anyone standing at the door of this very exciting adventure, yet hesitant to take the first step.

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When the world often tells us what success looks like, believing in our own skills and potential can be tough. Doubts creep in, making us question if we're good enough to stand out and be proud of what we've achieved. But finding what we're truly good at is vital and possible. Embracing what we're great at is about celebrating our unique selves.

Today, I’m thrilled to have business mentor Angie Colee on the show. Angie says her big life mission is: “I don't want a single creator, creative entrepreneur, or creative service provider to go to their grave thinking they're not enough, or will never figure this business thing out.”

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In the rapidly evolving business landscape, where authenticity and connection are more valuable than ever, integrating your personal story into your business is not just beneficial—it's essential. Your personal journey, with its unique triumphs and trials, is a powerful tool that can transform your brand from just another name in the market to a relatable, trusted entity.

Today, let’s take a deep dive into one of the questions most often asked in storytelling: “How do I weave my personal story into my professional journey?” Join me as I give you some practical advice, examples, and a strategic framework to bridge the gap between your personal experiences and professional life.

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In a world where we often look outside ourselves for answers, the concept of "sourced magic" invites us to turn inward and discover the unique gifts that lie within. Sourced magic is the innate ability every individual has to connect with their inner wisdom, intuition, and creativity, harnessing these powers to create transformation in their lives and the lives of others. It’s about recognizing that we each have a special kind of magic that, when tapped into, can lead to profound insights, growth, and change.

Today, we are joined by Darla LeDoux, a transformational business coach dedicated to empowering others to confidently offer and deliver deep transformational work with their magical gifts.

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Life is complex. It’s a series of transitions and transformations, often leading us down paths we least expect. Sometimes, we go through unconventional and challenging phases that ultimately reshape our identities. But regardless of what we go through, we all know we need courage to come out on the other side.

In today’s episode, we are getting to know Jaime Konzelman, a woman whose life story embodies resilience and metamorphosis. Jaime's journey is a testament to the unexpected routes life can take us on, and the extraordinary outcomes that can emerge from embracing these changes. Her story is a powerful reminder of the strength that lies in vulnerability and the profound impact of sharing our truth with the world.

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Going on the journey to find your true authentic self is a deeply personal and unique experience. It is marked by self-reflection and experimentation. But this journey is often not easy. Still, embracing the path of discovery leads to the ultimate reward of authenticity and the empowering confidence that comes with truly knowing who you are.

Meet Eva, a stay-at-home-mom turned burlesque dancer who, in the process, has also become an inspiration for women seeking to reclaim their sense of self and joy. Eva's journey into the world of burlesque began after motherhood, a time when she felt a disconnect from her personal identity and sought a path back to her own true self. With a background in dance and a natural comfort with her body, Eva found in burlesque not only an artistic outlet but also a tool for self-empowerment and healing.

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Unlocking a fulfilling and successful entrepreneurial journey involves embracing the idea that pleasure can and should be at the forefront of our business strategies.

But what does that actually mean?

In today’s episode of The Inside Story Podcast, Rachel Anzalone introduces the concept of a "satisfaction strategy" in business. It’s finding balance between impact, profit, and pleasure, and doing meaningful work while experiencing deep, integrated satisfaction.

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In both our personal and professional lives, effective communication is a necessity for success. Specifically if you’re a business owner or leader, public speaking is an indispensable skill if you want to make an impact. The ability to articulate ideas, share a compelling vision, and connect with audiences has become a game-changer in driving business growth and fostering strong relationships.

But despite its undeniable importance, many individuals stop themselves from doing public speaking because of fears and apprehensions surrounding the practice. It's important to recognize that this fear is natural, and overcoming it requires intentional efforts, practice, and a shift in mindset.

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Storytelling is a fundamental aspect of our human experience. In recognizing and embracing our individual stories, we not only celebrate the diversity of human existence but also forge authentic connections with others. We discover a shared humanity that transcends barriers, fostering a sense of community and reinforcing the belief that, indeed, we all have stories worth telling.

A few episodes back, I shared with you the challenges women face when sharing their story. Today, we’ll dive deeper into one of these challenges and how we can move forward even when we face this obstacle.

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In our society, where what's considered normal meets personal choices, how women relate to alcohol is complex talk. From breaking stereotypes to looking inside ourselves, how women drink shows a mix of societal and personal factors. And now more than ever, it's important to clear up misconceptions about alcohol and help women choose wisely.

In today’s episode, we’re diving into the relationship between women and alcohol. A sensitive topic, yes … but one that needs to be talked about. I’m joined by Holly Krivo, a certified coach who tackles this issue head-on and gives us a glimpse into how she created freedom from alcohol on her own terms and helps others do the same.

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We all encounter those pivotal moments when life takes an unexpected turn. It's within these lows that we often find the seeds of our most profound personal growth. Today’s episode dives into the raw and relatable experiences that accompany such turning points. 

In this inspiring podcast episode, we have the pleasure of talking to Bridget Querns, a seasoned life coach with a remarkable story of resilience and personal growth. With a background marked by overcoming challenges, Bridget's unique insights resonate profoundly as she shares invaluable wisdom on navigating through life's twists and turns.

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I’ve long believed that storytelling is an essential skill anyone should have. However, while it’s a powerful way to communicate, storytelling often comes with its own set of challenges. From figuring out what part of your story to tell to how you’re going to share it—these are just some of the areas of storytelling that stop people from getting into it.

Today, drawing insights from inside the LIGHTbeamers community, we’ll dive into the common challenges and universal struggles women face when it comes to storytelling. We’ll also look into why these hurdles exist and more importantly, how they can be overcome.

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Let’s face it: we’re in the digital age, and so much of what we do and what happens to us happens online. And this includes meeting people and creating connections. But can you really make genuine relationships with people you interact with on social media?

In today’s episode, we dive into the dynamic world of social media networking. We’re exploring how entrepreneurs can transform these platforms into genuine hubs for connection and relationship-building. Our special guest, LinkedIn expert Scott Aaron, shares insights on leveraging this platform for genuine connections.

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In the intricate dance of life, there are moments when the universe seemingly conspires to make us hit the brakes. It's those challenging times—the hurdles we never saw coming—that force us into an unexpected slowdown. These are the instances when the chaotic rhythm of life demands our attention, redirecting us towards a deeper understanding of what truly matters. 

Today’s guest, Lyndsay Morris, shares her story of a three-year health struggle that resulted in intimate moments of introspection, unexpected divine guidance, and the evolution of her speaking approach from a simplistic narrative to a deeper understanding of the human experience.

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Today, I’m bringing you another episode in our Author Series for our book, Shine Your Light. ICYMI, Shine Your Light is the third and final book in our LIGHTbeamers book series. It is a collection of personal stories of 13 women who faced challenges, emerged from them, and discovered their inner light.

Marcia Murff Tabor’s story centers around her battle with panic attacks and anxiety. She shares how, with her husband’s support and her determination to regain control of her life, she ultimately found her way back into the world. Her story of self-discovery and healing is something you don’t want to miss.

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Storytelling plays a pivotal role in business. It turns mere communication into a powerful tool for connection and influence. Effective storytelling enables entrepreneurs to convey their unique identity, values, and mission, engaging audiences on a deeper level.

Moreover, confidence in public speaking is the key to unlocking the full potential of your stories. When you stand before an audience with conviction, vulnerability, and passion, you can make a lasting impact.

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In today's digital age, social media holds immense significance for sharing personal stories and making an impact on the lives of those who hear these stories. It has become a powerful tool for promoting empathy, unity, and personal growth through the exchange of personal stories. 

Today’s episode of the Inside Story Podcast dives into the role of social media in the world of storytelling. Whether you're new to social media or looking to revamp your online presence, this episode serves as a valuable guide to effectively using these platforms for meaningful storytelling and genuine connection.

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It’s the sixth episode of our author series, shining a light on the talented individuals who contributed their personal stories to our collaborative book, "Shine Your Light."

Our featured guest for this episode is Debi Choi, a former accountant who transitioned from the world of numbers to becoming an author and sharing her remarkable story. Debi's experience is an inspiring example of resilience and personal transformation that will resonate with anyone seeking to overcome life's challenges and embrace the power of storytelling.

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It’s the fifth episode of our Author Series, a special segment that showcases the remarkable contributors to our collaborative book, Shine Your Light. Each episode in this series uncovers the unique facets of the authors’ stories and the profound impact they have on both the authors and their audience.

Today, we have the privilege of talking to Blythe Cox, an extraordinary author featured in the book. Her journey is a beacon of hope, and her story is a light on the path from despair to triumph. For sure, Blythe’s courage in sharing her personal struggles is going to be a source of inspiration for all who hear her story.

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Welcome to the fourth episode in our special Author Series, shining a spotlight on the remarkable women of our collaborative book, Shine Your Light. In this series, we dive into the inspiring stories of each author, exploring their journeys, motivations, and the transformative power of storytelling.

Today, we introduce you to the incredible Evelina Solis, a shining example of resilience and purpose, who shares her profound insights on the art of storytelling and its capacity to inspire others. Her remarkable story is one of unwavering resilience in the face of life-threatening challenges, making her a source of inspiration for all who cross her path.

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In this third episode of our Author Series, we’re going to explore the inspiring journey of JoAnne Dykhuizen, a canine massage therapist and pet product specialist, as she shares her experiences as one of the authors in the collaborative book Shine Your Light.

Today, we’ll dive into JoAnne's backstory and her motivation to participate in the book project. We’ll discover the strong sense of community and support among the authors, and how this collaborative endeavor has opened new doors for JoAnne, including her upcoming solo book project.

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Welcome to the second installment of our Author Series for the LIGHTbeamers collaborative book, Shine Your Light. In this episode, we'll meet Jill Ore, a dedicated lighthouse keeper whose life has been transformed through her storytelling journey

Jill embodies resilience, curiosity, and an unyielding spirit, and her story, like the stories of her fellow authors in the book, is a testament to the power of self-discovery and the impact of sharing one's experiences. Join us as we dive into Jill's inspiring story and how she found her voice in the most unexpected of places.

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I'm thrilled to kick off a brand-new episode that's part of our exciting author series, featuring the incredible women from 'Shine Your Light.' And to start things off, we have an absolute gem as our first author in this series – the remarkable Belinda Sandor!

Belinda helps women around the world to start, grow, and scale successful Virtual Assistant businesses. A 12-year, practicing VA herself, Belinda is the Founder of The VA Connection®, an online organization that helps VAs achieve their financial goals and live their dreams.

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I’ve got a special treat for you on today's episode! 

I'm absolutely thrilled to take you on a journey behind the scenes of our upcoming book launch for Shine Your Light, the third and final book in the LIGHTbeamers collaborative book series.

Today is all about celebrating the incredible stories of 12 remarkable women who have joined me on this amazing book project. I'll share insights into what inspired them, how faith played a pivotal role, and how these stories might just touch your heart in unexpected ways.

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I'm absolutely delighted to welcome you to a very special episode of 'The Inside Story' podcast. Today, we're celebrating a remarkable milestone – our podcast is turning three years old!

In this episode, I'll be taking a walk down memory lane and sharing some of the most significant takeaways and victories from the past three years. 

Whether you're a fellow podcaster, a storyteller, or simply someone looking for inspiration, this episode is a celebration of what's possible when you share your authentic story with the world.

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Are you an entrepreneur with a burning desire to elevate your business to new heights, but finding yourself at a crossroads, unsure of the next steps to take? You're not alone. Many ambitious business owners share this same aspiration, yet navigating the path to the next level can often seem like an elusive challenge.

In today’s episode of The Inside Story Podcast, my very own business coach, Ron Reich, unpacks the essential principles that can propel you to achieve unparalleled growth, impact, and financial success. We dive deep into the strategies and insights you need to break through those barriers and become a "Hypernova" in your industry.

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Copywriting is such an important aspect of the business world. It takes concepts and products and weaves them into captivating stories. And what makes it truly remarkable is its power to not only grab attention but also forge a meaningful connection between brand and audience. In today's busy marketplace, mastering the art of copywriting can be the game-changer that sets you and your business apart.

Enter Marisa Corcoran, CEO and founder of the Copy Confidence Society. In addition to writing the words that get landing pages converting at 60% (or higher!) and crafting personality-filled emails, Marisa helps coaches and creatives craft their uncopyable message.

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In a world filled with carefully chosen social media photos, it's easy to think we know everything about a moment by looking at our pictures. But when we dive into storytelling, we find that the most powerful stories hide in the parts of photos we don't usually focus on. Just like an iceberg, most of its beauty is under the surface. There are many untold stories beyond the photo frame.

Today, I invite you to join me on a journey into these hidden stories, where memories, emotions, and human experiences wait to be discovered. These stories remind us that a moment's true meaning can hide in the shadows, in the feelings we don't always talk about and the experiences we may overlook.

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Public speaking – the mere mention of these words can send shivers down the spine of even the most seasoned professionals. The fear of stumbling over words, losing track of thoughts, or failing to engage the audience can be paralyzing. However, with the right tools and techniques, anyone can transform themselves into a confident and captivating speaker, able to own the stage and leave a lasting impact on their audience.

Today on the show, I dive into the art of confident public speaking. With these simple tips, you can connect, engage, and build a stronger community through the power of storytelling on stage.

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If you've ever found yourself curious about the ins and outs of launching and nurturing a creative project, then get ready for a captivating glimpse into exactly that. Join me on today's episode as I unveil a true labor of love – none other than this very podcast. It's a testament to the remarkable power of persistence, resilience, and the profound impact that comes with embracing and sharing our unique stories.

In this episode, I pull back the curtain on vulnerability, commitment, and all that’s involved in impactful storytelling. Plus, I open up about how the opportunity to connect with remarkable individuals and bring their stories to life is truly a gift. If you're as intrigued as I was when I started this adventure, you're in for an experience that might just inspire you to start your own podcast journey.

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As we approach the third-year mark since we embarked on this podcasting adventure, I am so thrilled to share in the excitement of our upcoming podcast anniversary celebration!! It's been an incredible journey of empowerment, growth, and inspiration, and I couldn't have done it without your support.

In honor of this milestone, I have something truly special in store for you - Podcast Week! If you're looking to boost your business visibility, this is your golden opportunity. Join us for a week filled with insights, strategies, and connections to take your podcasting journey and business to new heights.

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Planning and leading in-person events can be an exhilarating yet challenging experience that requires a diverse skill set and a knack for problem-solving. The process involves careful planning, from the initial concept and organization to the actual execution. The lead-up to the event can be a whirlwind of emotions, from the excitement of seeing your vision come to life to the stress of last-minute changes and unexpected issues that require quick decisions.

In today's episode, I'm sharing some key takeaways from my recent experiences on the road. As we navigate a world that's both connected and isolating, I hope these insights provide you with a fresh perspective on finding community and growth.

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Do you sometimes feel like even when you show up and you’re being authentic when you share your story, no one is listening? Today on the Inside Story podcast, I open up about my own struggles with doubts, whether it's sending emails, creating social media content, or producing this very podcast. I'm sure we've all been there, right?

But hold on! Here comes the powerful part. I share with you a heartwarming experience that has become a beautiful reminder for me – which I hope encourages you, too – that even when it feels like no one's paying attention, there are people who are out there just waiting for the right moment to let you know that you’ve made an impact on them.

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Have you ever yearned to share your extraordinary story with the world, perhaps through the captivating pages of a book? The thought of becoming an author can be exhilarating, but it's common to feel lost, not knowing where to begin. Doubts and fears may cloud your path, making you hesitate to dig deep and reveal the vulnerable aspects of your journey.

But fear not, for in today’s episode of The Inside Story Podcast, we dive into the art of storytelling and gain valuable insights from the remarkable Dr. Cindy Childress. Her wisdom and encouragement will gently nudge you to take that leap of faith, inspiring you to embrace your fears and share your truth.

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In the fast-paced world of entrepreneurship, we often find ourselves caught in a relentless cycle of trying to do it all, tirelessly juggling multiple responsibilities without pausing to recharge or find balance. However, this constant hustle can take a toll on our well-being, leading to burnout.

Marianne Smith, well-known in the online coaching space as The Entrepreneur’s Therapist, helps high performers create sustainable peace in their relationships, businesses, and lives. She specializes in working with the unique challenges that leaders and entrepreneurs face mentally, relationally, and in business and has created six-figure businesses of her own in the spaces of both coaching and therapy.

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What does it mean to be truly rich? A lot of us would probably define wealth based on possessions and other external factors, but is that all there is to it? Will all the riches in the world make you happy, so to speak?

Today on the show, we’re talking to Intuitive Mindset and Business Coach, Johanna Gardner. For Johanna, true wealth lies within, something that can never be taken away. But it took a lot of difficult and heartbreaking experiences before she got to this understanding, and she has spent the last decade focused on understanding internal richness.

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Embracing the idea that your story can genuinely help others learn and grow is a powerful motivation to share it with the world. Like I always say, when you share your story, you shine a light. Because, really, your story has the power to inspire, encourage, and offer solace to those who may be going through similar circumstances.

And yet, so many stop themselves from sharing their story, thinking they will appear so full of themselves. But choosing not to share your story simply because you believe it's about you would be a disservice to both yourself and others, and I’m here to talk about that today.

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Forging genuine relationships and connections is important for success, and this is true even in business. Having connections is more than simply exchanging business cards or engaging in superficial conversations. Building real relationships goes beyond transactional exchanges; it involves understanding others, actively listening, and showing authenticity.

Today’s guest, Ben Albert, is an online marketer turned business owner who realized the power of real connections when he started his own business. He now hosts a network of five podcasts called Real Business Connections and runs a massively successful marketing firm, Balbert Marketing.

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When we talk about self-promotion, we talk about the ability to engage in meaningful conversations about ourselves with others, enabling us to build connections and establish genuine relationships. By developing this skill, we create an environment where people feel comfortable opening up and sharing their own stories with us. It may not be easy, but self-promotion is something we need to practice to gain confidence and increase our self-worth.

Adera Angelucci, who was previously a guest host on this show (check out episode 139 where she takes over The Inside Story Podcast!!), is back again and talks about self-promotion and becoming comfortable sharing yourself with the world.

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Imposter syndrome is a phenomenon characterized by persistent self-doubt, and it’s a common experience that affects individuals from all walks of life. But it particularly manifests itself among women who aspire to make a difference in the world. Women who are driven to create positive change often find themselves grappling with imposter syndrome, which can hinder their progress and hold them back from reaching their full potential.

Today on the show, we tackle this issue with growth strategist and holistic therapist Lexi Soulios and discuss how much imposter syndrome affects us, and what we should do to push through this thinking and succeed.

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Women's health encompasses a broad spectrum of physical, mental, and social well-being, and along with it also comes the issue of chronic pain. This is a complex condition that can significantly impact an individual's daily life, both physically and emotionally, and I know because I’ve been dealing with it since childhood.

My friend and today’s guest Carissa Floyd has been through the same, dealing with illnesses such as Ehlers-Danlos syndrome and endometriosis. But she found a way to understand her pain, manage her conditions, and improve her quality of life, and now guides her clients in their journey toward mind, body, spirit connection through Pilates.

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I think anybody will agree with me when I say that life is a journey that’s full of ups and downs. While the highs are easy to embrace, the lows can be quite difficult. However, it’s important to navigate through these low points if we are to grow and move forward.

I recently found myself in one of the many valleys of life, and along with the experience came a myriad of feelings I had to allow myself to feel and acknowledge in order to come to terms with everything that was happening.

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The Camino de Santiago, also known as the Way of St. James, is a famous pilgrimage route in Europe that leads to the shrine of the apostle St. James the Great in the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela in northwestern Spain. Pilgrims embark on the Camino for various reasons, such as seeking spiritual growth, self-discovery, or simply enjoying the adventure and camaraderie of the journey.

My friend and our guest today on the podcast, Lisa Corrado, is currently on her Camino de Santiago journey. I caught up with her as she was taking a few days off from her walk, and learned more about what this pilgrimage means to her, and what it has done for her.

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I enjoy meeting people who love storytelling as much as I do. Even more so if they’re the kind who are willing to take over my podcast, put me on the hot seat, and let me share my own inside stories!!

Adera Angelucci is the co-founder, director, and producer of the award-winning video and marketing company, SPIRO Creative. SPIRO brings exceptional people and brands to life through video storytelling and marketing. Adera is a kindred spirit, and today she takes over the show!

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If we look at the person we used to be and who we are now, I’d say one of the things that would be different is our ambition – or level of ambition. For a lot of us, it’s more likely that our ambitions change or even diminish over the years, and this could be due to a number of reasons.

But what does ambition really mean? Why are so many people conflicted about whether being ambitious is a good or bad thing? Should we have more ambitions in life, or less? In a recent event I attended hosted by bestselling author and high performance coach Brendon Burchard, one of my biggest takeaways was the need for us to raise our ambitions.

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For the first time, I’m digging into human design. It’s a specific way to learn more about your personality, emotions, and energy centers, and today on the show, I’ve invited someone who can help me – and YOU! – understand human design better and how it can help different areas of our lives.

Danielle Laura is an internationally acclaimed spiritual advisor, seer, and human design & gene keys energetics expert for conscious thought leaders, healers, entrepreneurs, and celebrities around the globe. Her mission is to “ignite more embodied leaders” who will positively impact the world in the most fulfilling way.

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I live and breathe storytelling. This is because in all my years as a journalist and now as your chief LIGHTbeamer inside the Community, I have not seen anything quite as powerful as storytelling when it comes to connecting people, growing businesses, and inspiring an audience.

But as much as storytelling has become a real strategy these days, not everyone knows what to do with it. And a huge part of this is not knowing and understanding that storytelling is a journey – one that involves different stages.

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People share their stories in different ways. Some do it on the big stage, others do it through podcasts (like this one!), and still others do it through books. And then there are those who do it through the lens of a camera and also help others share their stories through photography.

Lisa Haukom is a story-based self-portrait photographer who brings your unseen moments to life through lifestyle and portrait photography. Based in the Pacific Northwest, she provides virtual and photography services to her interior, lifestyle, and brand clients using their iPhone cameras.

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One of the things I get excited about when I join speaking events is meeting new people. And our guest today on the podcast is one of those women I recently shared the stage with and got to know at a women’s conference. Her story and what she does moved me – so much so that I had to get her on the show to talk about her mission.

Susie Vybiral is a L’Oreal Paris Woman of Worth 2022 National Honoree, recognized for her selfless dedication to giving abused children a fresh start. She also aims to break the cycle of abuse, and how she does it is nothing short of amazing.

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One of the biggest joys of my job is seeing women cross the finish line to their big, hairy, scary goals… and using their story as a centrifugal force to help them along the way!

Becky Burroughs first became an author when she wrote a chapter in our collaborative book last year called Elevate Your Voice.

This week, her first solo endeavor as a published author comes to fruition with her book, Come Back Home to You.

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Entrepreneurs like you and me are constantly looking for ways to grow our business. We look at different strategies we can implement to attract our ideal clients and bring in more revenue. But something that’s often overlooked is speaking your way to gain new customers for your business.

Speaking has a domino effect that can positively impact your business. It is something that has really allowed me to grow LIGHTbeamers. And while I constantly talk about it as a business-building strategy, many are still skeptical and even nervous about using public speaking to scale their businesses.

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On World Storytelling Day, I went live on Facebook to talk about – what else? Storytelling, of course! I’ve mentioned time and again how sharing our stories has been an essential part of communicating with one another and, more importantly, connecting with each other. It has always been an important part of community and humanity, and even more so today.

But if you’re new to storytelling, you might have hesitations and questions you want answered before you begin your journey. And because I got great Qs when I went live, I’m sharing them with you today, hoping you get the encouragement you need to take that first step towards becoming a storyteller.

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It’s not easy being an entrepreneur. Everything depends on you, and you have to think carefully and weigh each decision you make for your business. And what can also be tricky and difficult is not always having someone to talk to about your plans and ideas. In fact, it can be really challenging.

Enter Masterminds. I’ve joined a few in the last couple of years. And as I have just gotten back from attending a Mastermind event, let me tell you: being part of a Mastermind is one of the best things I’ve done for myself and for my business.

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There are almost one million women who become widows each year in the US. And the grief of losing a spouse can overwhelm anyone to the point of not knowing how to pick up the pieces and start over again.

When today’s guest, Natalie Reid-Knutson, went on a Colorado expedition with her husband and their three sons, little did she know that it would be their last. The tragedy that hit their family two days after they returned home brought a different kind of grief to Natalie, and how she found a way to live life again to the fullest is nothing short of extraordinary and inspiring.

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Every day, limiting beliefs and self-defeating thoughts run through our heads. Feelings of inadequacy, fear of failure, self-doubt, and self-sabotage … these beliefs often come from past experiences, cultural conditioning, or messages we get from others.

After closing down her dance company, Relinde Moors took a completely different path, hoping to find freedom, independence, and abundance. But before she found success, she had to break down invisible blocks that were stopping her from achieving her goals. Today, she’s helping others shift their beliefs.

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Not everyone is a fan of speaking in front of a crowd, even a small one. In fact, glossophobia – the fear of public speaking – is so common that it affects roughly 75% of the population.

However, speaking has become an essential skill and tool in the business world, and even I have been using it to grow my own business. As leaders and entrepreneurs, communication is key, and we have to get better at it.

But how does one become an effective and impactful speaker? How can speaking help scale your career?

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The textbook definition of leadership is “the ability of an individual, group, or organization to lead, influence, or guide other individuals, teams, or entire organizations.” We all know, though, that leadership encompasses so much more than just this.

Our guest today is Sarah Young, founder and CEO of the Zing Collaborative. She spent eight years leading people, projects, and teams in the corporate world before she started her business in 2013. At Zing Collaborative, she partners with thousands of leaders across industries and geographies to go beyond the basic understanding of what a leader is and elevate their leadership capacity.

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If there’s one thing I know to be true, it’s that our stories, when shared with the best of intentions, shine a light for others and show them they are not alone. And most importantly, stories provide inspiration, comfort, and hope that there is indeed light at the end of the tunnel.

Today’s special guest is my good friend, client, and LIGHTbeamer, Ashley DeLuca. At a young age and in a short amount of time, Ashley has gone through and come out of a situation that takes others years to overcome. She’s such an amazing person, and I can’t wait to dive into her story as she shares it with us today.

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When I meet and talk to someone who is as passionate about storytelling as I am, you can be sure I’ll bring on that individual as my guest on the podcast. And today, I’ve done just that.

Mark Carpenter is a Chief Storyteller who aims to help people teach, lead, sell, and inspire through intentional storytelling for business. He and I both value storytelling as a skill that’s underrated but so critical, and we hope to encourage more people to share their stories and use them to make a positive impact on their audience.

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Every week, I bring you inspiring inside stories of individuals from different walks of life, as well as prompts and strategies to help you get started on your own storytelling journey. And it is my hope that in some way, you become motivated and encouraged to also look inward, dig out your own inside stories, and realize that when you share them, you shine a light.

Storytelling, however, is not always easy and can be quite daunting. I often get asked: How do you know which parts of your story are the right ones to share, especially in business? Here's an easy 1-2-3 for you!

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Sharing your story can be the one thing you do that changes your life. And that’s exactly what happened to our guest today, Madge Gillen.

Madge – as she has always been known and called by her family, friends, and even inside the LIGHTbeamers Community and The HUB – began her storytelling journey not too long ago. Shortly after she took my mini-course, Find Your Story, she started to share her story with her audience. And since then, she has gone from doing Facebook Lives to becoming the Rising Star speaker at the 2022 Storytelling Symposium. She has also gone back to using her given name, Amanda Kae, and she shares the story behind this with us today.

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I’ve said it a dozen times over: everybody has a story. And different people have different ways of sharing their story. Some choose to post on social media; others choose to do it in front of a live audience. Still others write a book to reach and inspire more people in a big way.

Catherine Nikkel is a sought-after storyteller, content creator, and ghostwriter known for transforming fact and circumstance into compelling words. She’s written books – biographies and memoirs – for other people and shares with us today her journey to becoming a ghostwriter and doing something she loves.

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How many of us actually feel like we’re truly connected to our core? How would we even know that we’re aligned with what we really want in life and what we’re meant to do?

Today’s podcast guest, Jenn Henry, felt disconnected from everything and everyone for most of her life – even from herself. So much so that she allowed that disconnection to rule her life, making her dependent on and addicted to different substances and lifestyle choices that almost destroyed her.

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It’s easy to get lost in holiday preparations and all the hustle and bustle this season brings. Don’t get me wrong: I love the holidays, and celebrating with family and friends brings a different kind of energy and joy I think we all need.

But just before we usher in the New Year which is 2023, I’m inviting you to sit down with me to do a simple but meaningful reflective exercise. And my sincere hope and wish is that this gives you a clear vision of what you want your next twelve months to look like.

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There are numerous ways to 'get visible' with your story. And on today’s episode of The Inside Story Podcast, I’m giving you 7 fire-cracker ways to amp up your visibility, increase your impact, and build your authority. It doesn’t matter what industry you’re in; if you want to stand out, your visibility should be at the top of your priority list.

Before the year ends, take a quick assessment of these 7 areas and find out where the gaps are in your business. Then let's make a plan and fill those gaps in 2023!

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I’m here to remind you today that you – yes, YOU – have a story to tell and the world needs to hear it.

But sharing your story is not an easy thing to do, and I’d be the first to admit that I’ve had moments where even thinking of what story to share was difficult for me. What do I talk about? Will my story resonate with my audience? Do I really have something to share?

You do – and you only need to peel back the layers to get to the heart of your story.

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There are so many societal beliefs passed on from generation to generation, and a lot of them have to do with abundance and the money mindset. But not all of these beliefs lead to a positive outcome. A lot of times, they hinder us from achieving our fullest potential and living our best lives.

Today, as we begin the third season of The Inside Story Podcast, we’re talking to Merel Kriegsman, a business mentor who intentionally made the decision to change her life and break free from generations of underearning and finally live a life of abundance.

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When you’re a small business owner or a solopreneur, there are so many challenges you need to face when it comes to marketing. Some of these are your budget, the kind of marketing strategy to implement, the time constraints, and even the type of agency or person you need to get on board to help you with what you need. All of this can become so … overwhelming.

Enter Dan Russell. Dan is the author of the book Snake Oil: Genuine Marketing in an Age of Cure-Alls, and he takes us back to the basics of marketing and helps us focus on the more important areas.

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After more than two years and more than a hundred episodes of The Inside Story Podcast, I’ve gotten firmer in my belief that everyone has a story and that storytelling is an important piece of the human experience.

And since we started the podcast, I’ve talked to and interviewed inspiring people who openly shared their stories with us, and I’ve also thrown in a few stories of my own, plus some tips and tricks on how to get you started on your own storytelling journey.

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When I meet people who blow me away with their stories and the way they use them to shine a light for others, I’m compelled to share them with everyone in my community because we can learn so much from them.

Such is the case with Brian Bogert. Brian is a professional coach, motivational speaker, business strategist, and leader. His mission is to help individuals achieve the best version of themselves by becoming more aware and more intentional – and therefore, more authentic. His strategy -- embrace pain to avoid suffering -- has helped people create for themselves a life with no limits.

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Trauma often leaves one overwhelmed, sometimes unable to move forward, and often afraid of facing what caused the undesirable experience. But there’s a way of recovering from it and releasing it in order to become whole again, and that is through the healing power of storytelling.

Beth Jones is one of the women authors in the second LIGHTbeamers collaborative book, Step Into Your Brave. She is sharing her story as a trauma survivor, hoping to shine a light for others and help them start their own healing.

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When someone goes from the hood to the White House and ultimately has multi-million dollar success, you know there’s bound to be more than a few inside stories there that will just blow your mind.

Rebecca Contreras went from hitting her lowest of lows to reaching amazing success -- the kind that so many of us also dream of. Her book, titled “Lost Girl”, details this journey and shows the reader the kind of perseverance and faith Rebecca had to get to where she is today.

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It’s such a special week on The Inside Story Podcast!! Our second LIGHTbeamers collaborative book, STEP INTO YOUR BRAVE, was released yesterday on Amazon!! And in a matter of a few hours, we reached #1 status, and it feels amazing to be able to share this journey with all of you.

In today’s episode, I’m putting the spotlight on my own experience writing for this book and choosing to write about my father. It’s definitely not something I thought I’d ever share publicly, much less write about in a book. But looking back now, I know that this is exactly what I was meant to do.

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We’re less than a week away from the launch of our LIGHTbeamers collaborative book, Step Into Your Brave, and we’re very excited!! The female authors who are part of this book show us different faces of courage with their stories, and it’s amazing to get to know them all.

Today on the podcast, I’m bringing into the spotlight Amber Wells. Amber is an international entrepreneur, founding owner of She Companies, Inc. and a self-care journaling subscription box called Big Girl Pantees. Her journey to becoming an author has not been an easy one, which makes the release of Step Into Your Brave all the more meaningful.

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Today’s episode is the second in a series of interviews with the women of the LIGHTbeamers Author Program -- a special book project that’s going to shine a light on eight women and their empowering stories of courage, perseverance, and overcoming adversity.

Karen Smith spent 20 years in corporate America before she found her real calling – being an entrepreneur, coach, and energy healer. The road to where she is now was not an easy one, and she recounts how she’s had to unlearn what she had always believed and find the truth about herself.

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A few months back, I dedicated several podcast episodes to the authors of the first collaborative book in the LIGHTbeamers series. This time, I’m featuring authors from the second book, Step Into Your Brave, which I’m very happy to announce will be coming out later this month.

One of these authors is Kim Mittelstadt – an image consultant and life coach for moms, teen girls, and young adults. She’s dedicated to helping them discover their identity and style blueprint that complements their personality and lifestyle, and teaching them to love the person in the mirror.

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The 4th Annual Storytelling Symposium by LIGHTbeamers has just ended, and I’m still on a high from meeting new people, forging new relationships and deepening old ones, sharing new stories, and just soaking up all the inspiration from everyone I connected with!

And as I look back now and reflect on the amazing two days of the Symposium, I’m reminded of something that came to me more than a year ago – after I attended a mastermind event and hosted last year’s virtual Storytelling Symposium.

That is, you have to put yourself in the room.

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A few episodes back, my husband Kyle was on the show and we talked about marriage and being entrepreneurs. That episode was a big hit, and a lot of you sent me messages to let me know how much that conversation resonated with you. 

On today’s episode of The Inside Story Podcast, I’m bringing you another couple who are entrepreneurs and in business together. Jake and Ashley Ulkus are the founders of Destined to Scale, where they help online coaches and service-based professionals in engineering their signature offers to build a successful company without compromising client outcomes or lifestyle.

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There’s so much value in storytelling – both to the one sharing their story and the person hearing it. But time and again, people tell me they don’t always know what to share. They get stuck and become unsure of how to dig out their stories.

If you find yourself in the same predicament, you’re in for a real treat! On today’s episode of The Inside Story Podcast, you’re going to get prompts that will help you find those stories inside of you and make storytelling a little easier.

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More than 1 million women go through menopause every year in the United States alone. And while it’s a stage every woman will go through, it’s not a conversation everyone’s ready to have.

Womaness and its founder, Sally Mueller, are changing the conversation around menopause. Through innovative products that offer solutions from head to toe, trusted advice on symptoms, and support from an inspired community, Womaness is fast becoming the go-to place for every woman looking to gain some menopositivity.

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When you hear the word shapeshifting, what comes to mind? Is it the mythical definition of being able to change into a different shape or form at will? Or can the term be applied to something more realistic – and a little closer to home?

Today on The Inside Story Podcast, we’re talking about becoming different people in the various relationships we are in, or shape-shifting to become the person others expect us to be. It’s not an uncommon phenomenon, but something we should all be aware of and avoid happening.

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I've long believed that when women come together and share their stories, magic is bound to happen. And over in Montreal, Canada, one woman has created a lasting space for women where they can have meaningful and strategic interactions.

Dayna is a seasoned communications professional and branding consultant with a certification in Women’s Leadership from the Yale School of Management. Her entrepreneurial spirit and passion for developing female talent bring an inspiring, innovative approach to problem solving and creative thinking.

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It’s our 100th episode and what better way to celebrate this milestone than to have the person who helped me start my podcast two years ago on the show!!

Phyllis Nichols is the founder of SoundAdvice Strategies, a podcast production company. She’s best known for helping clients create unique audio experiences for their listeners. A salesperson at heart, she found her way to podcasts on a dare, and she’s more than happy that her previous sales-consulting work turned into amplifying and selling the messages of her clients.

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There was a time in my business where I couldn’t keep up with everything that was happening. I felt overwhelmed and frustrated, and I knew I had to do something if I wanted to change the way things were going.

Enter Jen Lehner and her Front Row CEO program. When she shared her method with me, I listened and took action, and I can honestly say that that decision really changed everything for me.

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We’re gearing up for the 4th Annual Storytelling Symposium!! Today on the show, I’m featuring one of the women on our speaker panel and giving you a sneak peek of what you can expect at the event.

Dr. Leslie Saulsberry is a keynote speaker, author, and executive coach who helps Visionary Women create, build, and grow their companies, careers, and cultivate expansive lives. She’s going to be taking the stage at this year’s Storytelling Symposium, and I’m truly excited for more women to hear her speak and be inspired by her story.

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With so many social media platforms today and an insane number of people trying to get everyone’s attention, how do you actually cut through the noise and get noticed?

In today’s episode, I share my thoughts on how you can win the internet. You have to have a certain mindset, understanding, and a regular, intentional practice that’s repeatedly overlooked, but should be at the top of your strategy if you want to stand out.

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In the work that I do, I help women dig out their story and amplify their visibility as they share it. But far too often, I find that women stay small and limit the stories they share because they’re afraid of being judged as having too much to say.

As a recruiter matching people and jobs, Jenny Ward found the same to be true. And wanting to do more for women seeking to grow professionally, she intentionally became a career coach to help “purpose-driven women finally get the career they want and the money they deserve”.

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When we have strong relationships, we can go through life's joys with so much more meaning and navigate challenges with hopefully more ease. So how do we activate relationships and forge strong bonds?

Our guest on today’s show is one of my clients. David Watson is part of the ThinqShift team – a group of people whose goal is to “craft fabulous leaders to succeed and reinvent the world”. He is known in the group as the Relationship Activator and Optimist, a role he takes seriously and tries to embody even outside of work.

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Being an entrepreneur is not easy. But what about being an entrepreneur who’s also married to one – does it make things extra challenging?

Today’s episode is extra special because I’m joined by my husband, Kyle Pertuis. We’re talking all things marriage and entrepreneurship, and what happens behind the scenes as we make both aspects of our lives not only work, but thrive.

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If you’ve tuned in to the news these past few days, then you’ll know how everyone’s divided and has their own opinion on the outcome of the Roe v. Wade case.

No, I am not going to make a commentary on or political analysis of what happened. Rather, in light of what transpired, I’m going to place emphasis on the value of listening to truly appreciate all sides of the stories we hear. I’m going to zero in on why women should let their voices be heard, even in the face of uncertainty and fear.

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What is feminism? The definition of the word has become muddled over the years, and I believe there will always be a debate on what it really means. But one thing’s for sure: feminism remains a relevant part of society today, as it was when the ideology started many years ago.

So today, I’m bringing back an episode from the early days of The Inside Story Podcast. In it, I talk about feminism and what it means to me, and how elevating women’s voices can bring about the positive change we want to see in this world.

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What is it about successful people that sets them apart from the rest of humanity? Is it just plain skill and talent? These help, of course, but I find that it’s their resilience and grit in the face of adversity that distinguishes them from the rest. 

And Debbie Adams is no exception. She has taken on every obstacle in her way and made them stepping stones to her success. Her story is nothing short of inspiring, and I truly believe that her journey has just begun.

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The path to finding the right partner and the “perfect” romantic relationship is never a straight one. There are always bumps along the way, and it can sometimes feel like we won’t ever end up with someone we can truly call our one true love.

Stacey Dewald is the author of Douchebags to Diamonds, a self-help book for women who want to heal their broken hearts, take charge of their love life, & attract the right one. She's had her share of dysfunctional relationships, but in the process of personal development, has found her own Mr. Right.

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When was the last time you were completely honest with yourself? I think it’s safe to say that we all tell ourselves little white lies from time to time. They could be about work, our business, our personal lives … these small lies come up too often that they begin to look like the truth sometimes.

What we don’t realize is that these untruths are the source of what makes it difficult to live our lives fully and in the best way possible. But there’s a way to change what we’ve gotten used to and what’s become comfortable for us. And it’s called Radical Honesty.

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If there’s one thing I can mention that’s crucial to business growth, it would be outsourcing. But there are so many facets to this process that a lot of entrepreneurs dismiss the idea of outsourcing -- even before they understand how it can actually take a big load off their shoulders and help scale their businesses! 

So if you’ve been mulling over the idea of outsourcing but have questions on how to go about it, this is the episode for you. Plus, I give you a couple of resources to get you started on your outsourcing journey!

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Overworking ourselves beyond breaking point will never guarantee success. In fact, it might even become a deterrent to achieving goals by causing burnout – something that is now considered a disease by health experts. So how do we escape this cycle, find our focus again, and re-center?

Ashley Reed has always been a high performer and built a successful career as a Marketing Executive for some well-known brands and companies. But when she found herself exhausted to a point that almost cost her her life, she knew she had to reset internally to find true balance and freedom.

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“Be the designer of your world and not merely the consumer of it.”

If you’ve read James Clear’s book Atomic Habits, you’d know that its popularity and success comes from it being a really practical and useful guide on how to form good habits – even small ones – that can give you big results.

For those who haven’t read it yet, I highly recommend that you pick up a copy of the book, and see how it can give you the motivation you need to change your life and reach for success.

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I see and speak to so many of you who want to up-level your storytelling skills & grow your audience, because you know that this is how you build your business. But the thing is, you have no idea how to go about it and you don’t know where to begin!

Today’s episode of The Inside Story Podcast tackles the 5 core areas of Visibility that are key to your development, growth, and exposure as a storyteller & leader. If you want to enhance your storytelling skills, grow your audience, AND build your business, then this episode is for you!

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When you work in an industry that promotes beauty, it can sometimes become difficult to distinguish between looking beautiful and BEING beautiful.

Alyson DeMaso thought she was living the perfect life, until a series of events forced her to look deeper and evaluate what was really happening in and around her. She eventually launched Raising Beauty, where she helps people reclaim their power and joy from their overworked life, through Conscious Living & Leadership.

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My firm belief is that we all have an important story to tell, and if you’ve been in our Community long enough, you know I teach people how to share their stories and how to share them effectively.

But in last week’s episode of The Inside Story Podcast where I answered questions from members of our Community, someone asked if I can share insights on how I draw stories out of others 

I briefly touched on the subject last week, and today, I’m giving you a rundown of some tips and strategies you can use to pull stories from other people.

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What do you do when you completely miss creating a plan for your podcast episode that’s set to be released in 2 days? Well, you run to your friends -- aka your Community -- and ask them for help!!

And that’s exactly what I did! Having no specific topic for this week’s episode, I decided to make it interactive by having friends ask me questions that I would answer on the show. So I turned to the LIGHTbeamers Community, told them what was happening and what I intended to do, and boy oh boy, did I get some fantastic Qs!!

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It’s an extra special day over here!!

Today is the official launch day of ELEVATE YOUR VOICE -- the first-ever LIGHTbeamers collaborative book!

After months of writing and working on promoting the book, this day has finally come. Along the way, I’ve featured some of the women who have written chapters for the book on this podcast, and in today’s episode, it’s my turn. I’m giving you some behind-the-scenes look at MY OWN journey: from initial talks about the project to writing my story … up until the day I held a copy of the book in my hands.

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Community Highlights is a series I do on The Inside Story Podcast to showcase the amazing LIGHTbeamers who shine their light for others. And one of those people is Louisa Garret, who is doing what she can to spread love and sow kindness out in the world.

But Louisa would be the first to tell you that being kind didn’t always come easy to her. In fact, 10 years ago, kindness was something she didn’t practice, and sarcasm was her norm.

So what changed?

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You always hear me say that storytelling is impactful. If you want to grow your business, build community, and cultivate a great relationship with your audience, storytelling is key.

But just how critical is it for you to actually have a storytelling plan of action in place in today’s digital age? What can you do to give yourself the best chance of success when it comes to telling your story?

I'm sharing my go-to ways to infuse storytelling into the nooks and crannies of your online presence and business.

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If you’ve ever asked yourself, “Do I drink too much?”, and go back and forth between saying yes and no without really understanding why, today is a good day to listen to The Inside Story Podcast.

Our guest for this episode is Kari Schwear, Founder of GrayTonic and the Question the Drink movement. She’s a former gray area drinker who struggled with understanding how and why she landed there. She shares her story of finding out what her real problem was, and how she’s now helping others who are stuck in the gray area.

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Vulnerability seems like such a big, scary word. But when we allow ourselves to become vulnerable at the right moment, something magical can happen.

Deb Cummins Stellato is another one of our authors for Elevate Your Voice, the first ever LIGHTbeamers collaborative book. She considers herself the Princess of Pivots, having gone through so many changes in a span of a few short years.

Today, Deb tells us what it means to power through grief with courage, vulnerability, and acceptance.

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In the line of work I do, I always have women come up to me and tell me that they want to change their lives, and live in alignment with their passion and purpose. And the advice I give to them is to go all in and to focus their energy on what the outcome they want to achieve, because really, it takes 100% of your commitment to see results.

Trisha Deming did just that: she persevered and made the decision to only move forward (and not look back!) in the network marketing industry.

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So many of us women -- yes, myself included -- have been conditioned to think that we should stay small and quiet, to stay behind the scenes even when we have something valuable to give to our community.

One woman is trying to change that by helping other women learn how to “say NO to things that don’t serve you and YES to things that light you on fire.” Pamela Meadows -- one of the 14 women who took up the challenge to elevate their voice and let their story be told -- is on a mission to help women create and live their best lives.

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Today on The Inside Story Podcast, I’m featuring another LIGHTbeamer as part of our Community Highlights -- a series focusing on members of our Community who are working on sharing their story to shine a light for others.

Terri Ann Heiman landed in the LIGHTbeamers world more than a year ago, and since that time, I’ve seen her embrace storytelling as a way to reach the audience she serves: those who want to dig deep into their soul, find their spirit, and transform their life.

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Last week, I talked about creating and building your story bank.

Today, we’re going to look into story “composting” and yes, this is something akin to what we do when we want to use or recycle organic matter to enrich and improve the soil and make it fertile.

When it comes to stories, composting can also happen, but what exactly does this entail? What do we do in order to let our stories bloom over time?

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If you’ve ever wondered how and where content creators get their ideas for what they post on social media, you’re in for a sweet and practical treat!

Today on The Inside Story Podcast, I’m sharing with you how I do it – create story-based content on repeat without ever running out of ideas! 

If you implement my simple exercise, you’ll find stories everywhere, even right under your nose!

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Today’s episode of The Inside Story Podcast is the fourth in a series I’m doing, with the women authors of Elevate Your Voice, the LIGHTbeamers collaborative book project.

Becky Burroughs is a leadership coach and education junkie whose focus is on faith-based principles. Her goal is to empower women to live their lives and lead with courage, credibility, and confidence, and to help them discover what makes them unique and embrace that quality in them.

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How do you use the pain of your past to unlock the highest and truest potential of your future?

By sharing your story. 

George Kalantzis is a Life Coach and author of the Amazon best-seller, Nowhere to Go. In this powerful book about navigating life’s toughest transitions, George helps the reader let go of the past and move into the future with strength, dignity, and optimism. But today on The Inside Story Podcast, he first shares with us how he had to take a deeper look at his own past and accept it, in order to fully live in the present.

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If you’re ready to step into your best self and live your best life this 2022, then this episode is for YOU.

Yes, it’s easy to make goals and envision the kind of person we need to become to achieve them. But more often than not, we find ourselves not knowing where to begin, or getting lost along the way, and eventually just giving up on our goals and visions!

Today, I’m here to tell you that there IS a way -- in fact, a process , that will help you get to where you want to be.

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I always say: when you share your story, you shine a light.

And that is exactly what our next featured author from the LIGHTbeamers Author Program aims to do.

Julia Barton is a postpartum doula and Reiki master at Olive & Bloom. She’s new to the LIGHTbeamers Community, and came by way of the Author Program where she and I, plus 13 other women, are on a journey to discover our stories and share them with the world. And Julia’s story -- while uniquely her own -- will resonate with other women and I believe, will serve as a guiding light for so many.

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Kelsey Eigler -- who prefers to be called O’tion -- is the co-founder of The Empowered Healers Academy. It’s their mission to heal the healers, empower the humans, and simplify the journey to happiness.

Showing her community how to break free from societal chains, pressures and limitations is one of her main driving forces, proving first hand that you can bend reality and create the life you WANT - regardless of external noise, personal history or archaic paradigms.

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Preparations for the upcoming holiday celebrations are in full swing, and it’s too easy to get lost in the hustle and bustle of the season. But just before we usher in the New Year, I’m inviting you to join me as I pause and look back at 2021, and look ahead to 2022 with equal amounts of hope and excitement.

The internal exercise I share with you on today’s episode for choosing your word of the year is meant to be an intentional practice. It asks for a deep examination of what happened this past year, and calls for a bold vision of what you want your life to look like in the next 6 to 12 months.

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It’s a big day for me because today, I turn the big FIVE-OH!!

Yes, it’s my 50th birthday and I’m spending part of my day with you because you’ve been a big part of my journey and what I’m grateful for.

And now that it’s here, what does it actually feel like to be 50? How should I approach aging, and handle all the thrills and frills (and body aches and pains!!) that come with it?

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Today’s episode is the second in a series of interviews with the women of the LIGHTbeamers Author Program -- a special book project that’s going to shine a light on 15 women and their empowering stories of courage, perseverance, and overcoming adversity.

Sheryl Morley is the founder of the Fine2Fabulous Movement, owner of the Institute of Wholistic Health, and an expert in the areas of happiness and fun! She is also a member of the Network Marketing Million Dollar Hall of Fame, and a top leader for more than 30 years in her industry.

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I have always been an advocate for women using their voices and skills to make a big impact in the world. But so often, we get caught up in the drudgery that we forget what significant actions we should take to make our businesses, and our personal lives, thrive.

Fabienne Fredrickson is a powerful catalyst for solo business owners who seek to make the greatest impact they can in their work all while creating certainty in their business and financial security in their lives.

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Storytelling is a powerful tool.

When done with intention and purpose, telling your story can help you heal from past traumas, hurts, and experiences you'd rather forget. It allows you to release the feelings and energy associated with an experience. And it lets you move out of that space of isolation, which we retreat to when we keep our stories to ourselves.

But how do you begin this process and journey of healing? Where do you start? How do you even identify what stories you need to tell for you to heal?

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“Wake up and be AMAZING!!”

If you’ve been in my Community long enough, you’ve probably seen or even heard these words more than just a few times in our space. And this wonderful line that carries so much positive energy with it always comes from our resident motivator, Trainer Dane Boyle. 

Trainer Dane is a life coach and personal trainer who aims to empower Gen Xers to rediscover their purpose and passion. He believes that confidence, self-care, and self-esteem are what we need for us to live our best lives.

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I find it fascinating when I meet women who have turned their weaknesses into strengths, because their transformational stories are ones that inspire, encourage, and impact others in a big way.

Skincare and wellness advocate Stephanie Talia joined the LIGHTbeamers Community to learn storytelling and use it to reach and help more people. And two years later, I’m proud to introduce Stephanie as one of the women who answered my call to step into their brave and share their stories through a collaborative book project.

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Storytelling has always been an important part of our whole human experience. It’s how we connect with people, build relationships, and make sense of what is happening to us and around us.

But it’s not always easy to tell our story. And we don’t always know how to tell our story in a way that will get our audience to listen and understand what we want to share.

So how do we do it? What kind of storytelling should we be doing for us to engage our audience?

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Have you ever wanted to become a speaker? A writer? Where are you on your journey to becoming the speaker or writer you’ve always wanted to be? Have you even taken the first step to fulfilling your dream?

On today’s episode of The Inside Story Podcast, I’m sharing with you my thoughts and my own inside stories on what it really takes to become a writer and speaker.

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Our guest today on the podcast is one of those people I easily gravitated towards because I knew there were so many stories behind this incredible force of nature and his journey.

George Bryant is a digital marketing guru, and one who places relationships above all else. In fact, his trademarked slogan is RELATIONSHIPS BEAT ALGORITHMS and in his program, you’ll find him teaching the power of relationship-building in marketing, but how he got to this point in his career and how he came about teaching what he does is part of what he’s sharing with us today.

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“Vulnerability sounds like truth and feels like courage. Truth and courage aren’t always comfortable, but they’re never weakness.”

If you know of Brené Brown, then you know that her TEDx talk The Power of Vulnerability pushed her into the limelight, because she spoke of what it takes to connect deeply with the people around you and to bring out the best in you: being vulnerable.

But what does vulnerability really mean? What happens when you allow yourself to become vulnerable? How does it relate to sharing your story, and what does it feel like after you’ve given people a glimpse of who you really are?

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What does it mean to go against what’s expected of you? Is it rebelling just to oppose, or is it rebelling to find the real you, your passion in life, and the purpose you were meant to serve? 

Jetty Nieuwenhuis is The Rebel Influencer, an advocate for living with integrity to who you really are, embracing your uniqueness, and owning your story on your way to becoming the person you were always meant to be.

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There’s so much talk about intuition and how it’s invaluable in helping people make the best decisions for themselves. But how and where do we begin using intuition? What does it even look or feel like?

Heather Alice Shea is an Intuitive Life Trainer and Business Development Mentor, and the founder of and CEO of Atmana Academy, the world’s first research supported Intuitive Life Coach Certification and Business Development Company that formally integrates intuition into the coaching process.

Today, she’s on the podcast to talk about becoming an intuitive, and how being one can help us live lives that are aligned to who we are really called to be.

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It’s officially the one year anniversary of The Inside Story Podcast!!

Today, I am taking the time to thank all of you who have joined me on this journey, and I know we’ll be together for many more episodes to come!

I’m looking back at why I started this a year ago, what the ride has been like, and why I’ll continue doing this for as long as I can.

Join me as I share with you some insights and lessons I learned from doing this podcast for the past 12 months.

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When you meet and collaborate with someone who identifies herself as the Positivity Lady both in her personal life and in business, you know it’s going to be a great partnership! 

Lanette Pottle is a Life and Business Strategist whose vision of empowering women and giving them a way to have their voices heard is so aligned with mine that I couldn’t help but reach out to her … she is such a LIGHTbeamer!

And sitting down with Lanette and really getting to know her inside stories made me appreciate her and her journey even more.

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If you search Google, you’ll find that an influencer is defined as a person who inspires or guides the actions of others”.

Like most people I know, I have my fair share of influencers I look up to -- those who’ve inspired me and shaped the way I live my life and run my business.

On today’s episode of The Inside Story Podcast, I’m sharing with you the top 10 women I consider to be my biggest influences. They are women whose passion and authenticity I truly admire, and who have the ability to tell their stories in a way that shines such a bright light you can’t help but be drawn to them.

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You brought the questions; now I’m giving you the answers!

For today’s episode, I asked LIGHTbeamers Community members to send me their Qs about anything under the sun … and I got asked some really good ones!

Join me today as I share with you a little bit more about me, my views, and my business as I answer the questions you’ve been wanting to ask me!

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When I think of the term “Force of Happiness”, I think of only one person -- LIGHTbeamers Community member and my good friend, Leanne Smith.

Leanne brings so much sunshine into our Community and her smile and laughter can brighten any dark day, but she’ll be the first to tell you she hasn’t always been the Force of Happiness that she is today.

So what made the difference? How did Leanne leave the hard, heavy, and dark world she used to be in behind, and get to this positive place where she really wanted to be?

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In today’s world where materialism is so prevalent, how do we teach our children about money and finances? And where do we even begin teaching them about putting value on the more relevant things and choosing what’s better?

Today’s guest is David Delisle -- a successful entrepreneur, financial advisor, marketing director, and real estate investor, but most importantly, a dad. He’s been investing since he was eleven and is passionate about passing on the lessons he’s learned to teach kids how to live a rich life and create the freedom for what’s most important to them -- the Awesome Stuff.

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Clutter is defined as “a collection of things lying about in an untidy mass.” But lately, with all the talk on minimalism and doing away with excess stuff, we’ve come to realize that clutter is more than just the physical and tangible things.

On today’s episode of The Inside Story Podcast, I talk to certified health and wellness coach Heather Aardema about decluttering and focusing on “finding the more in less”.

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If you’ve been looking for a way to connect with your audience, whether in business or otherwise , then you’re in for a treat!

Today, we’re talking about a story prompt that’s not only going to bring back some pretty good memories for you, but also pull out great stories from inside of you and help you engage with people through storytelling.

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Have you ever been called too much of anything?

I’d be willing to bet that at some point, each one of us has been judged, labeled, and called “too much” of something by other people. And I’m pretty sure we’ve listened to what others say about us far more than we should, and actually believed their words even when we know they’re not true.

It’s no wonder we find ourselves exhausted from trying to be what everyone expects us to be, instead of being who we really are.

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How do you turn a setback into the biggest comeback of your life?

Catherine Just was only 18 years old when she decided to get sober from an addiction that almost made her give up on herself. That moment was the beginning of her new life, and an amazing artistic career that has led her work to be featured around the world, including the cover of National Geographic.

Her journey so far is nothing short of incredible, and why she’s telling her story is her way of paying it forward and giving someone else an opportunity to learn from her experience and lead a better life, especially through art.

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Today, I am launching a new category of podcast episodes called “Community Spotlight”, featuring LIGHTbeamers Community members who are working on sharing their story to shine a light for others.

We start off with Reaiah Rose Cubero, a mental health advocate who is on a mission to help women on their journey of faith and mental health. She has been an active member of our Community for the last 2 years, learning how to tell her story to reach her audience and get her message across.

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Let’s face it: we find it so much easier to share our story if we can leave out those parts we think are not good enough to be told.

But when we downplay and edit out what could be the most important pieces of our story, we’re not giving our voices and our full stories a chance to be heard by those who need to hear it.

And yes, there are people who will gain inspiration and encouragement from our story, which is why it needs to be told and not edited out in a way that can diminish its significance.

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They say, “A picture is worth a thousand words” — which really means when words aren’t enough, photos can become a medium for storytelling, especially when taken in a meaningful and reflective way.

When Marie Masse got into the world of photography, she had zero background and didn’t even have a decent camera to use. What started out as something casual quickly became a more thoughtful and intentional practice. She began to notice tiny stories and documented them with her lens. These tiny stories have since become the foundation for her work at Dangerously Good Stories.

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With the spread of the pandemic that affected -- and continues to affect -- millions of people worldwide came the rise in Asian racism. In speaking of this, we’re not only talking about racial slurs hurled toward Asian Americans, but also workplace inequity and discrimination, and physical violence.

Today’s guest on The Inside Story Podcast is Michelle Hoover, a leadership-development strategist, consultant, and coach. An advocate for lifting women at work, she is using her voice to inspire solidarity against racism, and to remind her fellow Asian Americans of their value and worth.

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Successful people often display the same qualities: passion, persistence, self-discipline, creativity, and commitment. But they also have one more thing in common and that is their willingness to fail.

So many of us get stuck and never move forward with our plans and goals because we’re scared of not being able to do it right the first time. We’re scared to make mistakes because failure hurts. It stings like a bee and it’s the kind of pain we don’t want to feel.

But if we’re honest, we know failing can teach us so many valuable lessons we will never learn otherwise, and even develop in us the determination to win.

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Are you waiting for that perfect moment to start something? Have you painted an imaginary starting line that’s supposed to mark just the right point in your life to begin doing what you’ve always wanted to do?

So many of us (myself included!) believe we should first get to a starting line —where everything is all lined up and completely ideal — before we work on a project or pursue a goal.

My friend, I’m here to burst that bubble and tell you: there is NO STARTING LINE.

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What do you do when you’re at mid-life, thrown a curve ball at work, decide to start your own business, and find out it’s not easy? You take the experience, seek out and support others who are in the same boat, and never look back.

When Colleen Kochannek found herself wildly unprepared to start and run an online business at her age, she realized there were others like her. And this is where she found the opportunity to help women over 50 navigate the online space, knowing that these individuals had so much to offer because of the wealth of experience they bring with them.

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In the work that I do, I help women dig out their story and amplify their visibility as they share it. But speaking your mind, telling your story and becoming more visible along the way can be quite hard — especially when you’re a woman who’s expected by society to stay small and stay quiet.

In today’s episode, I am talking to Diann Wingert — a therapist turned coach who works with women who have high potential but are under-achieving partly because they are holding themselves back.

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There will always be 2 sides to life: the beautiful and exhilarating one, and the other that’s messy and difficult. You can’t have one without the other, and even the most successful people I know who seem to have it all have gone through both. In fact, most success stories become even more fascinating and extraordinary because of the obstacles that had to be overcome.

But what does it take to navigate through this life that’s both messy and marvelous? 

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What I’m sharing with you today is something I have not openly talked about with other people.

It’s not so much that I’m ashamed of it. It’s because I don’t want it to define me as a person, and that I might offend somebody dealing with this differently from me, that I’ve been keeping myself from discussing it. 

It’s about my life-long battle with Rheumatoid Arthritis.

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I’m fresh off 2 events that have left me feeling energized and truly inspired! And the relevant insights I took away were not just for the way I do my work as a Storytelling coach, but also for how I live my personal life.

On both occasions, one valuable truth struck me: we have to make the conscious effort of putting ourselves in the room and allowing ourselves to be transformed when we do that.

But what do I mean by “putting yourself in the room”?

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It’s a pretty special day at The Inside Story Podcast because today, we have our very first gentleman on the show!

Dan Mangena is a motivational speaker, best-selling author & Wall Street Journal “Master of Success”.  He is a multiple 7-figure business owner who has had his share of ups and downs before getting to where he is now. And as he and I take a look back at his journey, he shares some pretty powerful truths that will make you dream bigger for yourself than ever before.

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When you’re an entrepreneur trying to build and elevate your business, surrounding yourself with like-minded individuals has a transformative effect not only on how you work, but also how you live your personal life.

When I met Hayley Hunter Hines in 2018, she was already sharing stories of the women she was helping, and her passion for what she was doing was evident. And when I approached her to talk about her initiative, I realized I was speaking to a real LIGHTbeamer.

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If there’s one thing I have always considered to be a blessing in my personal life and my business, it would be the gift of Community.

But the significance of having and being part of a Community has not stood out more to me than during my very recent experience with Covid. What I went through emphasized clearly how my wonderful tribe of LIGHTbeamers plays such a big role in my life.

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Last week, I posted a story prompt inside my LIGHTbeamers Community on Facebook and it went like this:

What is something positive in your life now that you didn’t have a year ago?

Today, as I sit in a quiet spot by the beach — on a much-needed break with my family — I am sharing with you by way of this podcast episode, my own reflection and response to this significant question.

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Sometimes, life takes you on a path that’s way different from the one you thought you’d be on.

For Melonie DeRose, being a corporate lawyer was a big check mark on her to-do list. She was doing what she thought she was meant to do, and what everyone else said she was supposed to do.

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Today’s episode with international keynote speaker & public speaking trainer Melanie Spring is such a good one!

She takes us on her journey from being a brand strategist interviewing companies and finding out what made them work (hint: it has something to do with stories!), to becoming a public speaker and trainer who helps other people bring their stories to the big stage.

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Whether it be in our personal lives or in business, creating connections and building relationships get easier when we openly share stories with our audience. A work presentation, a social media post, or even just an email to a friend becomes more interesting when injected with relevant stories.

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Stories are powerful. They can teach us, give us hope and encouragement, provide comfort, inspire people, and transform lives.

On the other end of the spectrum, these same stories can also leave us feeling defeated, ashamed, and tied to an invisible chain.

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It has been a while since my last solo episode so this one right here is pretty special!

In all honesty, it took me some time to get around to recording this, which is ironic because as you will find out, the reason I’ve been holding off is actually what our topic today covers and addresses.

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When life gives you a series of unfortunate events, throwing in the towel seems like the easiest thing to do. But for Brittany Clayborne, admitting defeat wasn’t an option. She chose to push through everything that was put in her path and as a result, is now living out her soul’s purpose. 

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Denice Chenault is one of the most powerful women in network marketing. But she will also be the first one to tell you that she never thought of herself as a sales person, let alone imagined she could build a meaningful career people tend to associate with selling.

On today’s episode of The Inside Story Podcast, we go beyond the basics of network marketing and look at the heart of it through the eyes of Denice

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We all have money stories. Yet this topic is one that most of us shy away from and are even discouraged from discussing. Whether it’s from being told that it’s not polite to talk about money, or we’re too ashamed to discuss our own financial status, we do not talk about wealth as much as we should.

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Inspirational author Shannon L. Alder said: “There is no perfection, only beautiful versions of brokenness.”

That’s the truth. All of us have gone through heartbreak at some point, experienced difficult moments, and had dark days we thought would never end.

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When you hear the words, “Today is a GIFT”, what does it mean to you? Does it strike a chord with you or stirs something in your soul?
If there’s anything that 2020 taught us, it is that truly, every day is a gift. “Tomorrow is not promised” might be a cliché, but it is a reality that should teach us one thing: 

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We’re all familiar with the old adage: “Laughter is the best medicine”. But how does humor actually tie in with healing trauma that we go through at some point in our lives?

Today’s episode of The Inside Story Podcast introduces us to Pasha Marlowe — life and laughter coach, and holistic personal trainer.

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The only thing that's constant ... is change. And no one is more familiar with change than my good friend — certified life and leadership coach Deb Cummins Stellato. As the Princess of Pivots, Deb is a lover of change, having gone through major shifts in her life that have defined who she is.

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In just a couple of days, a new year will begin. And with everything that has happened in 2020, it just begs the question: what do we want this coming year to be like? If we were free to imagine the best life for ourselves this 2021 and even beyond, would it feel unlimited?

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We’ve all been there: days when our creativity just flows so naturally -- even magically! -- and we are so inspired that the ideas come one after the other without any effort.

Then one day, it all disappears. We lose the enthusiasm to create anything, we feel uninspired, and we don’t know how to get back into our groove again.

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When Minou Hexspoor and her husband found themselves trapped at home in Beirut at the start of the quarantine, a simple idea for a photo took them on an unexpected journey of documenting fun and different experiences … right from their living room! 

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If you’ve ever felt disempowered by your life or circumstances, this is an episode for you!

On the podcast today,  I am joined by my good friend and Certified Empowerment Coach, Kofi Williams. 2020 proved to be one of the more painful years of her life 

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When was the last time you said YES to YOU?

I’m sure you’ll agree with me when I say that for us women, our excuses are plentiful when it comes to doing something for ourselves. 

Sure, saying yes to others may come easily to us. But saying yes to ourselves is a totally different matter. 

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Do you ever find yourself wanting to share a story you feel is relevant, but suddenly stop yourself with the thought that your story doesn’t really matter?

I know that sharing your story may not be easy at first, with all the junk (yes, it’s JUNK!) going through your mind, making you believe that you ought to play things down and not think big. 

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“Your relationship with yourself sets the tone for every other relationship you have.”

- Robert Holden

We know the quote above to be true, but how often do we remind ourselves that we are amazing human beings, that we are worthy, and that self-love is our super power?

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In today’s episode, Police Sgt. Toni Gonzalez and I talk about the inside story on how she came to recognize a silent issue in the police work force that included confronting a devastating memory from her childhood, and how she conquered her fear of being judged to launch a life-saving program that aims to help not just police officers, but all first responders. 

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In this solo episode, April is sharing her own Inside Story around a time when she felt hopeless and afraid. She shares the painful experience of losing the facade of financial security when her husband walked away from a very toxic business partnership.

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Today’s topic is one I’m really excited about! Today I chat with Patty Lennon, intuitive business coach, about the Art of Receiving. Patty shares her own story (complete with some unexpected twists and turns) of how she learned to receive more for herself.

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Today’s guest is Lacey Marie, with amazing inside stories of her own. If there is one word I’d use to describe Lacey, it would be “survivor.” Despite many experiences on many different levels, she continues to march forward with strength and love.

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I’m excited to share this conversation with Ros Smith today. I’ve wanted to feature Ros on the podcast for a long time! She’s had an enviable career in design and philanthropy.

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Today’s episode was born from two recent events: first, when I heard a quote from Michelle Obama that really gave me pause; and then, the passing of Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

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Today, my very special guest and dear friend, Sandra Sky (Scaiano if we’re being official) joins me on the show. 

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No matter which stories I share each week on this podcast, my hope is that they prompt you to delve more deeply into your own inside stories as a result of listening here.

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Welcome to the first episode of The Inside Story! Thank you so much for tuning in. I’m April Pertuis, and for most of my adult life, I’ve been captivated by the power of stories to connect people.

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