The Stories hiding behind Your Pivotal Moments


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 I have a journaling exercise for you that can very easily lead to some great storytelling moments to share with your audience.

I want you to examine the Pivotal moments of your life. Everyone has pivotal moments they’ve been through that have affected their career, relationships, finances, spirituality…. so take some time today to examine yours.

Where in your life have you experienced big changes, abrupt endings, new experiences that shaped you and shifted you?

I’ve mentioned on this flash briefing before that one of the best ways to sharpen your storytelling skills is to first sharpen your journaling skills.

Taking some time each day to put pen to paper inside a journal helps you mine the stories that are inside of you….. buried behind a lot of day-to-day monotonous details …. but once you excavate those stories and let them out into the light, they become real storytelling moments.

I actually spent some time this morning myself thinking through my own list of pivotal moments in my life and as I thought back on life’s big moments, I asked myself — how did this experience of chain of events change me. What was life like before… and how is it different as a result?

I teach transformational storytelling…. because when we share our transformative moments with others, we share a human experience as we all experience transformations throughout our life.
Here are a few promptings to get you started:
When was the last time you experienced a huge change in your life?
What lead up to this change… what was your life like before? How did the experience impact you? What did you learn from the experience?

Next, dig a little deeper  —  when was another time in your life you experienced a big shift or change?

Maybe it was a big move, a job change, a career overhaul, the birth of a new baby, someone coming into your life in unexpected ways.

Think back through times in your life and business and cull through the big pivotal moments that left a big impression on you, or had a huge impact on you. Write about those moments …. how did they make you feel?

Remember, journaling isn’t about being a perfect writer or storyteller… it’s just a place for you to mine the story and brain dump it so you can refine it later.

After you do the journaling exercise, look at the pivotal moments and ask yourself, are there any lessons here that would be valuable to someone else? Could someone else find hope, encouragement, and peace by me sharing this story with them?
Share that story today….. remember Stories are a powerful tool that allow us to build connection and community…. it doesn’t have to be about business either. Sharing stories that allow your audience to relate to you on a basic human level is foundational to them trusting you with their wallets in business.

So dig into this exercise today and let me know what you come up with! I’d love to read or hear your stories!!  I invite you to join my free Facebook group where I’m always encouraging women to share their stories ….. it’s called the LIGHTbeamers Community — it’s free to join, and feel free to post whatever comes up for you today and tag me! I’ll give you comments and feedback.

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